A small airship docked within the city, the new freshmen students within filtering out to the waiting welcoming crowd, though only one dressed in black biking leathers went around to stand at the back of the airship and stare up at the crane that was attempting to pick something off the deck. "Careful" "Ma'am, I have been doing this for 15 years. I can handle it" "......... Careful ok?" "Yes ma'am............" Soon the large box was lowered down to the ground, where right away Maia took a crow bar to it! Stabbing the metal object into the gap between the slats before forcing the front of it off. Leaving the girl with a big smile on her face at the covered object within, only to move into the box and join it. Soon enough the cloth was thrown out and the dock workers game to investigate the mechanical noise from within, only to go slack jawed at the sight... "I would suggest you move aside." With a almighty roar the machine within came to life, causing the dockworkers to part right before it burst from it! What looked to be a bladed and gunned up bike came to a sliding stop so that Maia could put her white and red helmet on. With a wave to the dock workers she left the box for them and sped off down to road towards Beacon. "Whoa~" Beacon was a lovely place, and it had nice wide streets with so little traffic, though she did hope that the teachers were still ok with her choices of weapon as other than the swords it was not like she could bring it into class right? However, being istracted while driving was never a good idea and as she was about to take a corner a group of boys came out of no where! {Regi & his 'freinds'} She pulled hard on the bars, putting it into a slide with one of the blades coming out to drag across the ground to make sure she stopped! Even if it was only mere inches from them... With her tail moving to the other side of the bike as fast as it could she took a look at the boys, flipping up the visor of her helmet and talking. "Ah, you guys ok? Sorry about that, didn't see ya."