[hider=The Holy Lancian Empire] Name:Officially it is The Most Holy Reich of United Lancia, often referred to as The Holy Lancian Empire or the Holy Lancian Reich when talking with diplomats and on official documents and treaties, in informal speech it is referred to as Lancia. Flag: http://flag-designer.appspot.com/gwtflags/SvgFileService?d=2&c1=0&c2=3&c3=0&o=8&c4=2&s=11&c5=3 Form of Government: Absolute Theocratic Monarchy Describe the System: The Holy Lancian Empire is headed by the Kaiser, or the Lancian Emperor. The Kaiser is also the head of the Lancians’s state church, making it theocratic in nature. The Kaiser reigns supreme, however ministries, advisors, and other offices of the government help run Lancia, but the decisions of these can be overridden by the Kaiser at any time. Location on Map Desired: When completed, a large amount of land in the North with a few islands closer to the coast. Capital:Primus, it is located along the Lance River which runs through the part of Lancia considered to be originally Lancia, Primus is also a central point in the Empire, making it important for communication and trade. Important Settlements: Alas, an important Industrial City located far up the Lance River, and Lancus, a massive population center on the most Southern Part of the Rhine, it also contains the largest military base. Description: Perhaps one of the most interesting things about the Lancians is they prefer functionality over looks. There cities can often be described as ugly, but there efficient and helps squeeze that little extra out of the Lance economy. The cities for the most part use stone and planks for buildings, with the a few rarer buildings made of metal that are governmental. Walls are also large, and can hold up against attack quite well. The culture and religion of the Lancians is where it gets interesting. The idea of honor and glory through battle is prevalent, as well as service to to the Kaiser and to the Reich, even if you do not serve within the military. These ideas are reinforced throughout childhood and well into adulthood. A famous Lancian General was even quoted as saying “A Lancian isn’t truly Lancian till he has spilt the blood of his foes on the glorious field of battle.” The idea of honored blood is also prevalent, leading to soldiers having the most status and wealth amongst the elite of Lancia . The Lancians do not refer to their soldiers as soldiers, but rather warriors, hinting further at their culture and the history of Lancia. The religion of the Lancians is not like most ones on Edoniras, rather than a single god it is a pantheon of many gods. The gods are never named however, and are usually referred to as what they represent. The gods include the God of War, which is the most important in Lancia’s culture, the God of the Sea, who is often the most mistrusted, due to the shaky history Germany has with naval affairs, the God of the Sky, the God of Death, the God of Logic and Mind, the Goddess of Love, and the Goddess of Battle Strategy, who is by most Lancians, considered to be the 2nd most important, after the God of War. There are 3 symbols considered important to the Lancians or there Government. The Symbols are the Coat of Arms of the Wilson Family, the Golden Eagle, and the Iron Cross. The Iron Cross is used to denote someone who is a veteran within the army, and having it is considered a badge of honor. The Golden Eagle is used to atop the flag and banners of legions, legions consisting of 3000 troops, the Golden Eagle is often the first sign that the Lancians are invading you. The Coat of Arms is the final symbol, and while not the most important the coat of arms is often found wherever the reach of the Lancia is. It is two swords crossed, and can also be found on the Lancian flag. Important Characters: Kaiser Gabriel the Third Commander and Chief of the Army Wilhelm High Priest David. Traits: Large Army: Your nation maintains an army of many men that can dwarf many of the smaller nations. -2 Professional Army: Your nation’s army is well trained and equipped with good weapons, performing better in battle. -3 Landlubbers: Your sailors don't exactly train on a boat, boarding and marine forces perform slightly worse due to the moving deck. +1 Scared of water: Your nation has never been one for their sea legs. Many naval loses and ship disasters have left your people unsupporting of any venture in which they need to leave the sight of land. +3 Rotting Hulls: Your nation views ship maintenance as an unneeded cost and so many of your ships have weak wood and the sails are torn and with holes in them. They will not perform well at sea. +2 State Controlled: Your market is controlled by your ruler, every business is state owned and all works are employed by the state, you are less vulnerable to crashes in the market however with the lack of competition your country advances more slowly and the economy rises more slowly. +1 Empire: Your lands are made up of conquered peoples and are vast. -4 Strong Industry: Your craftsmen and labourers are good quality and hardworking making some of your nations goods very reliable, sometimes fetching a high price from a market. -2 Army: (I will roll this, navy,, airships, GDP and stability.) Navy: Airships: GDP: Stability: Population Percentage of Population in: (This will be rolled by me as well.) - Industry: - Farming: - Mineral Production: [/hider]