"Err..." the girl froze in her tracks, the gears shifting and chugging in the back of her mind before coming to an abrupt stop and clogging. She had absolutely no idea what the boy before her had just said. It was in Japanese, after all. And it went right over her head, as if it was his first language, or maybe she was just a bit of a ditz. She blinked up at him through the pale bevelled-rectangles of her glasses and opened her mouth to speak after he had said the line of mish-mash. Japanese. It couldn't have been so bad. Her mother was Japanese. That didn't change the fact that she had learnt barely any of it at home. Her mother had an accent, but their darling daughter had taken after their father's tone and way of speaking, calm and easygoing and chill. "...little English then. But you seemed to understand what I had to say because you didn't really hesitate for too long or give me the standard "what-the-hell" look,, so, err...Watashi wa...I am, err, Leo. Desu desu." she blinked, scratching the back of her head nervously as she tried to continue with the little she had picked up in different places. "Nani nani? Desu?" She wanted to stick her fist in her mouth for how bad she came off. Her cheeks gained a colour and she groaned with a non-physical pain, but that of mental exertion. Definitely, speaking to a Frenchman would be easier. At least she had learnt French to some degree in school. Japanese...nada. She almost opened her mouth to speak again, jogging back and forth with the boy carrying the boxes, with the words stuck in her throat, before she spotted someone approaching. Well...spotted [i]something[/i] approaching. Initially, all she caught was the sheen of the bright blonde hair, and it was uncommon to see many natural blondes down here in Japan. The first thing she'd assumed was that it was another transfer student. Maybe from where she was from! Brilliant! She gave the boy with the boxes a little nod, as if that justified her attention turned away from him to the person that approached, and she almost squealed when she saw them. Saw [i]her[/i]. She was the most adorable thing, [i]ever[/i]. With the blonde locks and blue eyes, it was like Leo had found a fellow countryman. She had opened her mouth to speak before the girl beat her to it, asking something in another foreign language. Though thankfully, she understood at least a little bit of this. "English! English please! Or French! That wasn't French, right?" she paused. It sounded a little bit like it...nah. "Anyway. Good god you're so cute, ahhh~!" she almost immediately balled her fists and brought them to her cheeks and her bangles crept further up her arm as she did. If anything, she did allow herself to be a little bit of a ditz at times. It was relieving. "I haven't seen you around in the girls' dorm! What's your name? The name's Leo, and it's so wonderful to meet you, and- please tell me you understand what I'm talking about, oh god."