I'm honestly glad whenever Bioware delays a release. It shows they are paying attention to the quality and aren't just rushing a release like with what happened with Mass Effect 3. I loved the first game, was fine with the second (gameplay was definitely smoother) and I'm interested in the third. But I'll wait before getting it because I don't really trust EA enough anymore to buy a game right off the bat from them. As for Flemmeth and Morrigan? I think Flemmeth has some respect for things like magic and fate, and recognizes when something is a danger to her. But ultimately is an evil woman who always puts herself first in the end. She's just smart about it. Morrigan on the other hand? I see her as selectively good and evil. She was can really selfish, cruel and wicked to most people. But there are those who she will turn around and be good and caring for. Not in a traditional kiss up way, still in a very "I am Independent and Wicked" sort of way, but you can tell she ultimately does care for some people's wellbeing.