[url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/19063/posts/ooc?page=1]Current OOC thread[/url] [url=http://precipiceofwarroleplay.wikia.com/wiki/Precipice_of_War_Role-Play_Wiki]The Wiki[/url] [centre][IMG]http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/157/e/5/precipice_of_war_banner_2_by_aaronmk-d52kdbq.png[/IMG][/centre] Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. This is a thread to accompany Precipice of War, a highly successful Advanced nation roleplay that has been running for a glorious three years now on three different forums (Sporum, Minecraft Forums, Roleplayer Guild) and has accumulated a massive lore spanning 70 years, countless works of art from our very own and a brand of humour rarely found in other RP's. The purpose of this nice, empty thread is to be filled with the facthsheets and post catalogues of the various nations, factions and characters, so that the future generations of Precipricks may look back and see wut's wot in canon without trawling through the expansive IC/clusterfuck wiki. I'm asking you keep all the chatter to the OOC and dedicate this thread purely to fact sheets. [b]Template[/b] I believe the most complete fact sheet is Vilage's in the OOC and as such, I encourage everyone to have a quick read over his to get a gist of what we want [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/19063/posts/ooc?page=1#post-482147]here[/url]. Feel free to edit this template as you want. [b]NAME[/B] [B]FLAG/MAP[/B] [B]RELEVANT LINKS[/B] [B]CHARACTERS[/B] [B]MILITARY[/B] [B]POST CATALOGUE[/B] [i]Updated as of 13/09/14[/i] [b]Note: Applications go in OOC. This thread is for factsheets of accepted nations.[/b]