((Hey! Sup, I'm Spiral AA. If you need a nickname please call me Spiral, it brings up odd feelings when people call me AA. That'll be explained someday. Anyway, I don't really wanna join any other role plays right now because I really suck at joining into a role play that's already in progress, so I'm just going to make my own. It'll be pretty stereotypical since I have some cutesy ideas right now, but I'll probably make more Sci Fi role plays in the future. Hope you like it! And me...anyways bye~)) ((-Spiral AA)) Tags: Slice Of Life, Romance, Fluff, Yuri ((Girl's Love)), Yaoi ((Boy's Love)), Paragraph Style, School, Family, Love *Just because it's a tag doesn't mean it HAS to happen, it just means it's not going to be discriminated. Paragraph Style typing is a requirement though, I can't stand single sentence role play style Setting: Setting is 2014 Japan, so basically modern times. Preferred city is Tokyo, and that's where I'll be living, if you want to start out in another city and have your character move to Tokyo that's fine. Any other ideas you have, please ask me first. All characters must be in Senior High ((High School: Grades 10-12)) so the ages would be 16-19. Being held back or having skipped a grade is perfectly okay, just make it evident ((Make sure we all know that's what happened)). School: School will be...Shinto Senior High. Shinto because it's next to a Shrine. ((I just made this up off a whim, by the way)). School is smallish in size and roster ((Meaning there aren't many students/faculty there)), but is in a very pretty location surrounded by bamboo forests, Sakura trees, and ponds. The Shinto Shrine next door was built by the school's founder and that's why the school's called Shinto High ((Hehe, that pun)). You can choose pretty much any class you would have in the US, except taking English as a language is now an option and Latin instead of German. The uniforms vary according to the gender and grade: Female students wear a black skirt, white blouse, and either a black blazer or sweater of your choice with a red tie, male students wear the same thing but with trousers and blue tie. First Years wear a round button with a 1 on their shirt, blazer or sweater, right above a smaller rectangular button with their class on it. Second Years have a 2 theirs, and Third Years have a 3. Easy enough to understand? Good. Wearing these two pins ((Grade and Class)) is required. Piercings, visible tattoos, and nail polish of any kind are prohibited and result in detention if seen ((So your character can have them, just make sure they keep it hidden~)). ***Notes about Japanese school systems: Their grading scale is REALLY strict. Which means its a much much bigger deal if you have bad grades than it is in the US. Also, instead of switching classes during the day like we do, the teachers switch out between classes. So we stay in the same room all day. And most students keep their textbooks, notebooks, pencils, etc. in their desks when they go home, so the only thing they really keep in their bags ((Usually)) is their homework ((And textbooks for some students)). School starts at 8 am and ends at 4 pm, but clubs go on till 6 pm. And everyone walks to school ((Those who live a far distance from the school use buses and/or the Shinkansen)) ((The Shinkansen is the bullet train, by the way)).*** Family/Home: Limit of family members to play on the side ((Example: Say, you were voicing your parent or sibling when they're interacting with you)) is 3, because it gets really confusing if you're voicing too many characters at once. Twins are also included as a part of those three side characters, and I advise against using twins as your main character. If you do want to have twins as your main character, please ask and think really hard about your choice, its tricky to voice two characters at once and if you're a beginner at role playing you should focus on building up single-perspective skills ((Just my helpful advice~ This works for basic writing skills as well)). Let me know if you have any questions or requests, don't be afraid to ask, I'll most likely say yes~ Character Sign-ups: [b]DO NOT[/b], I repeat, [b]DO NOT[/b] just join the role play without submitting a character sheet first!!! It is a huge pet peeve of mine and if you do that I WILL delete your post. Here is the general form: Name: ((Last, First)) Age: ((Between ages 15 and 20)) Gender: (( PLEASE specify!)) Grade: ((10, 11, or 12)) Class: ((Example: 1-A, 2-B, 3-C, etc.)) Family: ((i.e. parents, siblings, grandparents, etc.)) Appearance: ((Pictures are acceptable. Specify: hairstyle; length & color, eye color, skin tone, height, weight, cupsize is optional for female characters, and whatever other things you want to add in like freckles or tattoos)) Personality: ((Must have at least five traits. Does not have to be in detail but is recommended.)) Likes: ((Hobbies, favorite sports or colors, things like that.)) Dislikes: ((Anything your character hates. Example: bullying, spicy foods, etc.)) Strengths: ((What your character is good at.)) Weaknesses: ((What your character isn't so good at.)) Phobias: ((What your character is most afraid of, usually only one or two things)) Bio: ((This is where you'd put down anything important that happened in your past, what your childhood was like, past trauma, the juicy stuff.)) Extras: ((Basically anything you'd like to mention that doesn't fit into the other categories.)) ***Please include all of these things in your Character Sheet. You can add detail if you'd like, and I'd LOVE it if you did~ Elaboration is greatly appreciated!*** Vocabulary: Please try to be as accurate as possible with the Japanese wording. I don't mean the words specifically, but try your best to use the formal greetings ((Like bowing to your elders and people you're meeting for the first time, prefixes and suffixes are preferred but they aren't aren't mandatory. Basically, try to avoid having your character act American unless the actually are American, which is totally okay, just let us know. Time: I guess we'll say its right around the end of Autumn, beginning of Winter. Sakura blossoms have already fallen, its getting colder every day, and snow is now a possibility. Also, clubs are held back an hour and must be let out at 5 so that students aren't walking home in complete darkness. ((Well, thanks for reading this, though you kind of have to if you're joining. Let me know if you have nay questions about the above text. Hope you have fun~)) ((-Spiral AA))