Great introductory posts all around! The OP is updated with a character roster and some of the events players have already initiated. Rather than spreading everything too thin, I like the idea of a few concurrent events pulling characters together. Even if a couple players enter the same situation, they could do so very differently, say like Nate and Perry right now. The beauty is a couple events can easily grow into complex stories if we focus a little attention there. Right now it looks like we've got quite the range of options too. I see the possibility of corporate espionage, a gang war, and some Red Scare fascism brewing already. I love that a couple of you have already tied yourselves together too. Hopefully this is needless to say, I am open to NPCs being created so long as they are share-able and aren't just an excuse to remain alone forever. Ideally we will all create a world here -- that's the goal anyway. Expect another GM post in a day or so. I like to keep things interested too... so, yeah ;).