Lauralye looked at him and nodded, "I will speak with my father..." She glanced at the other prisoner who was moving to the back of his cell, watching them. She turned attention back to the slave and sighed, "I cannot say... that.... whippings will not happen... My father... can be a cruel man when he wishes to be," She bit her lip, "You are the kind that scares my father. The kind that say their loyalties [i]could[/i] lie with the crown... They are the same people whose loyalties could lie against the crown..." She shook her head a little before looking at him in shock. It was very rare that someone entered the castle walls not knowing her name. Everyone seemed to know her name and what she looked like despite not having left the castle in twelve years. She blinked at him a few times before answering quietly, "Princess Lauralye Calder..." She clasped her hands in front of her, "However, I would not suggest that you use my name... It could get you in great trouble... Robert."