As the vampire stood at the edge of the roof, looking down at the Fixer's final motions for the dead woman's corpse, he could not but wonder a simple fact as "Ixie" followed the Fixer into the alley, [i]"Is this mercenary a fool?"[/i] The Fixer had been passive up to this point, not even flinching when both of them had attacked his person. [i]"But even so... There is a [u]reason[/u] he has such a reputation. Does he think that he isn't in danger?"[/i] Morgan scoffed softly as he watched the red hooded man crunch to the alley floor. At this moment, a decision was given to the sniffer. On one hand, the familiarity between these two men was unnerving. [i]"How could they know each other? The odds of them having knowledge of a personal level, and circumstantially meeting here are practically impossible. [i]"Unless... They purposefully meeting..."[/i] On the other hand, the interest of this currently ongoing scene was beginning to wane for Morgan. His curiosity had been sated and it was honestly becoming dangerous to continue to hang about. Whispers of escape and warnings of caution were urging the sunloather to forsake the unfolding scene and hide away in some shady corner until darkness fell over Zerul. Instinct had already begun to turn the Morgan's torso to lead him away from a legend and a more than likely dead man, but something sharply redirected his attention back to the alley - another presence had entered the equation. At first, his crimson eyes would not be able to see from where the concentrated magical aura was issuing from. A twinge of annoyance pulled his brow as he continued to look, [i]"Cursed Fixer's energy is radiating far too...much..."[/i] But then there it was - coming around the corner. The words of poisoning and the growing worry of Ixion would barely register in the vampire's mind as the scene began to quickly unfold. Almost immediately, the Fixer became fully aware of the new arrival. Energy from all present parties was jumping, whirling, racing. Tension was growing once more, and Morgan instinctively almost shifted into a battle-like stance. But a small smile tugged at his right corner of his mouth, [i]"Thank you, my lord.[/i] A second chance had presented itself, one that Morgan was not willing to give up. Staff in hand, Morgan began to slowly and as quietly as possible, walk to a position on the roof that would, in theory, place the vampire behind both sellsword and Fixer once he had climbed downward. And then it happened so fast. As Morgan's back was turned to begin his descent to the alley, a heavy blow of flesh beating upon metal his ears. Head whirling to the left, crimson eyes witnessed the Fixer's second blow against the mercenary. Urgency filled Thrainsson as his pace became hurried, dropping several handholds at a time as his lithe frame rappelled downward into the alley; his mind was moving even faster. [i]"The Fixer is a legend, and rightly so. How will this fool even survive for a moment, especially alone?[/i] A flashback filled Morgan's third eye: the last magical user that had such a "reading" as the Fixer, it took dozens of men to kill her, let alone capture her. [i]"And here we are, just myself, the mercenary, and..."[/i] The vampire grunted as he jumped the rest of the way into the alley, eyes pulling upward to see the two fighting men, only to look beyond to the stranger who's presence apparently had set off the Fixer's violent actions, [i]"My new 'friend."[/i] Time slowed, if not for a brief moment. All the odds were being weighed for the sniffer. Revenge beckoned strongly, as did some sort of justice, satisfaction. But all this magic in one place, surging from the Fixer, from the sellsword, and even from this newcomer... The reality of the situation was it was growing quite obvious that the Fixer could not be defeated. In this instant, the vampire struggled inwardly, his feet moving forward slowly but eventually grinding to a halt, hand clenching to hard, it threatened to damage his weapon. [i]"This is a fight I cannot win through a direct assault."[/i] The element of surprise would be key, and if it ever came. Morgan was under the impression that the Fixer was rarely ever surprised.