While Takamiya was unbinding her, Rika awoke from her dazed state of mind and her consciousness returned to her. "I trust you..." When she heard her new voice, she took a deep breath "Wow... this is weird..." Said voice sounded high, but also slightly raspy. All in all, not as girly as she had feared, but still, she sounded noticeably like a young girl. As soon as all the bindings were removed, Rika slowly got up and simply stood in front of that table staring at her new body. "Girl... I'm a freaking girl... This is... crazy..." She looked at Takamiya and had to gasp. "Taka... you're tall... or... I am small..." Rika shuffled towards Takamiya and noticed, she only went up to his chest. After checking that, she swiftly jumped backwards while exclaiming: "I'm so light, makes me so agile!" Her antics didn't last long until she broke down onto the ground and started to cry. "What do I do now...?!", she sobbed.