When Summer yelled at someone below deck, Heizo glanced down, and sighed. The person seemed to be getting on Summer's nerves, and if he had to make a shot later the person might distract him. [b]"Should I focus on the Crucible?"[/b] Without waiting for a response, Heizo began zeroing his rifle for longer ranges, and put his sights over the town. He adjusted the scope to improve its zoom. The questions was rhetorical more then anything else. He slowly set his sights and could barely see an entourage of what looked to be Crucible soldiers. Unfortunately if he [i]did[/i] decide to shoot there would be a very high chance that the bullet would hit a tree limb and be knocked off target. [b]"No clear shots on the Crucible. Should I just make sure no one else approaches the ship?"[/b]