As I walk away from the women, I stop briefly at the end of the hallway. If one could see my face, im clearly confused. I had been so caught up in the details of this extra ordinary campus that i had neglecte to remember my destination. It would be hard to believe that an assassin, much less a professor here could be so easily distracted. That was just a weakness of mine that occasionally pops up. I turn three full circles observing my enviornment, and then i stop, turned 90 degrees from the two women. I face down to look at my precious snake, and begin hissing. "Nyagna what on earth were we doing here? Why does it apear that have found our way onto some sort of school ground, and why is it that we see no children running amock?" Of coarse none of this could be understood for it was in parceltounge. Given the lack of ability to understand what I am saying or where my eyes are looking, do to them being less like eyes, and more like purple lightbulbs in my skull, one may think i was looking over m shoulder back at the women and hissing about THEM to my snake! The overall air of my actions would make me seem even more abnormal. "We were going to the teachers lounge to wait for somebody more familiar with the canpus, or classes to strt. You are a teacher here! Dont you remember sending in the appication?" My snake hisses back to me. "But where could the teachers lounge be?" Our conversation was begining to echo throughout the halls, filling what seemed like the entire campus with hissing! "How should I know? Why not ask them? The ones you seem to have insuted?" My basilisk waves her head towards the two women, and i turn my head to look straight at them. I shrug in agreement, and begin walking over to confront them. A cold expression hangs upon my face, and it would be quite easy to mistake my aproach for an attack. My pace is fast, and as i aproach the air chills yet again. As i aproach, within 10 yard of the women, my basilisk hisses out. "WAIT!" Its a sharp loud hiss, that could seem threatening to anybody who dosnt understand parceltounge. "I have a BETTER idea!" I pause 10 yard from the women, with menacing eyes starring now blankly of into space. One could feel im not starring at, but through them. "Just go in both directions!" My basilisk calls out to me. I mentally knod in agreement, and turn around once more to listen to my basilisk idea. Now i am completely ignoring the existance of these two women. After all, humans do bore me so with their frailty, so why should i interact with them further? At the end of the hallway, where the split begins, I pause once more. This time, i kneel down, and lower my face to within a foot of the floor. I open my jaw wider than should be humanly possible, and several dozen smaller snakes of varrying races pour forth. They swarm along the hallways in not just both directions, but also the direction i came from. Each has glowing purple eyes, identicle to my own, and they each hiss periodically, to inform me of what they find. I then return to a stand, snap my jaw in place, whipe salva off of my face, and walk down the left path, whilst my snakes scout everything out. Being hatchlings, looking into one of their eyes wont petrify a person, but it will certainly slow them down for a bit.