"not but a day's journey, you'll be fine" cagan let out without turning, he looked less proud and more battle ready than before, his hand on his weapon at his side and his shield in place. Not that he enjoyed to make them walk but it was the only possibility. Though he was sure such thoughts would be considered a sin he envied those without the 'recruits' he had so far. Still he knew they'd be useful to him for the most part, at least some of them. Though he could smell them from were he was a hint of something worse lingered making his stomach churn. Troll? Goblins? A cyclops? Whatever it was it was getting closer. Cagan pondered on how they'd far against a large beast but his thoughts went else were as he saw the woman from the tavern at the side. "ryoku what are you doing? It would be better that you say by the others"