As the media closed in around the team of young heroes, Hellfire flew up and away from the group in pursuit of Fenrir. The wolfman was headed downtown, most probably towards Adam's and ONeil Accounting, the census station which they had both suspected to be a facade for Granny's operations. If Gabe was right, then he could not let his brother go in alone. Hellfire silently crept into the building minutes after Fenrir barged in. In those few minutes, anything could have happened. Fenrir could have acquired some information, he could have been captured, stabbed, blown up, knocked out, attacked by-- Ninjas. About twelve of them, maybe more, charging at Fenrir as he lunged at them, howling. They were undoubtedly of the League of Shadows. Batman taught Gabe enough about the organisation for the teen to recognise their garb. He furrowed his brow. What were they doing here? Why would they be working with Granny? Worry soon overtook Hellfire. Fenrir was outnumbered and quite possibly outmatched. He had to intervene. Ducking into the shadows, the human sun snuck up behind a ninja, constricting his carotid arteries with a rear naked choke before easing the now unconscious assassin to the ground. Realising that stealth won't do him any good against over a dozen alert enemies, let alone highly trained ninjas, Hellfire unleashed a tendril of black fire, as dark as the shadows, hot enough to severely burn, but cold enough to be non-lethal. The flame blocked the assassins' path to Fenrir, which was Hellfire's aim, but he didn't think of the consequence; the ninjas now turned their attention to him, and a group of them advanced towards him. "Holy ninjas, Batman..." muttered Hellfire, before calling out to Fenrir. "You probably smelled me when I arrived, Fen, but it's Hell! Could you maybe come 'round here and help me kick some League of Shadows tushy?" A sword slashed at his head and he ducked instinctively, lashing out with a quick, hard punch to the stomach, followed by an uppercut to his assailant's chin. However, the ninja caught Hell's fist, his hold firm and unmoving. Enveloping his caught fist with flame, Gabe seared his attacker's hand, allowing his fist to redirect its course towards the ninja's nose, hitting his absolute hardest. This sent the ninja sprawling into the hallway, and summoned two to take his place. These two, Ninja #1 and Ninja #2, respectively, both held rope darts, and they moved in to strike Hellfire from both sides. Ninja #1 sent his rope dart at Gabe's face, the weapon moving incredibly fast. But Gabe's reflexes were faster, and he caught the dart inches from his face, pulling #1 off balance. However, a blade in his side revealed #1's attack to be a distraction. How it pierced his armour, he didn't know, but he didn't have time to dwell on it; lightheadedness overcame him and he doubled over, vomiting, emptying out all his stomach's contents. There was poison on the ninjas' weapons. And Gabe was now weakened. The two ninjas moved in for the kill.