Gareth sighed deeply as Sophia returned to the group. "I suppose we must go through the Order now, if we wish to learn anything." This development significantly hindered progress; the adamance of the Order in its objectives was extremely difficult to break. Only a strong and adept speaker could cripple their resolution, and Gareth hardly considered himself versed in rhetoric, even if he put quite the effort in his formative years into understanding it. "How we pervade the shield of the Order I know not." Harker shifted on his feet and changed to a stance appropriate for departing from the dungeon corridor. "Arduous, however, it is." Yes, indeed the task proved laborious. Perhaps he could stall the group until the anticipated confrontation with the Order by engaging in banter with the nobles in the great hall and unraveling the mystery of the gathering there. The half-elf started the group off to the great hall. "Come, ah, let us go."