Takeshi had been fairly concerned about leaving Shu and T'charrl alone. There was no telling how the citizens were going to react to what they had done, or if more guards were in the area. It came as a huge relief then when he returned to find them unharmed, landing the ship close as he could to save them the trouble of walking. The dilemma of transporting T'charrl back was solved when he shrank down to size, meaning all three of them, their captive included, could take the shuttle. First helping their friend inside, the older boy then helped Shu in as well, lastly bringing in Sana and strapping the Shaharian down against a cot. For his brother and friend Takeshi opened up the container of food, grabbing himself just a fruit drink to rehydrate himself. Dropping down into the pilot's seat he carefully adjusted their ship, pivoting it around before getting it to rise up over the buildings around them. At last they could get going, but not before handing off Sana of course. Easing the ship into a slow flight forward he glanced back at the others, smiling proudly at both of them. They had done a lot in that fight, and things had ultimately worked out for them, even if it was more difficult than they had expected. "You did plenty... Don't sell yourself short, Shu. We wouldn't have done it without you or T'charrl." Especially T'charrl, he'd saved the day back there. "They'll cool off... Maybe... If not then oh well, not like we're coming back any time soon." At this point pretty much everything was hurting, from his cuts and bruises to his eyebrows it seemed like. Takeshi really just wanted to push Sana out of the ship while it was moving and keep flying, but that wouldn't be very nice. Besides, they did have to collect their reward, meager though it may be. Man... Getting beat up like this really wasn't worth medicine, what a letdown this little mission turned out to be. Drinking up the last of his fruit pouch, Takeshi tossed it into back, inadvertently smacking an unconscious Sana in the head with it. "If you two want to stay in the ship, I'll drop that guy off," he said, referring to the Shaharian, "I'll just tell Servas to send the medicines out to our ship, we don't have room for it in here." Plus it was the least that the alien could do for them, considering they took out some big wig for the enemy. If Servas said no then unfortunately they'd have to make room, or come back for it. Eh, Takeshi really didn't want to have to come back again. The slower pace of their traveling made the trip to the other city take a bit longer, but soon enough they were over the smaller settlement, gradually descending into the town square to a waiting Servas and some of his men, presumably to take Sana away. Touching the ship down carefully, Takeshi leaned back in his seat, closing his eyes for a moment and letting out a deep sigh. "Shu...? Is that guy still out?"