Here's my app. If you have any suggestions for improvements, please tell me, because I'm not too familiar with military-oriented things. [u][b]Enlistment Form[/b][/u] [b]Full Name:[/b] Anthony "Tony" Carter [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Branch of Service:[/b] FSA "Landers" [b]Rank:[/b] (E-4) Cpl Corporal [b]Military Occupational Specialty:[/b] Fire Team Leader [hider=Appearance][img=][/hider] [hider=Appearance][img=][/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Tony is a carefree, optimistic individual. No matter what the situation may be, he will always remain convinced that everything will be alright, and is therefore considered a bit foolish among younger, less experienced personnel. Carrying a strong sense of justice, he only ever does what he believes is right, and frequently finds himself clashing with superior officers because of this. He is a good leader, but his carefree demeanour and justice-fuelled decisions often see his underlings questioning him. However, it seems that he was born with the natural ability to overcome any situation, and his feats on the field have been noted by his superiors. [b]Biography:[/b] Tony has always wanted to enlist in the army. From a very young age, he'd taken immense interest in the tales of courage and heroism that surrounded the Landermarines, finding within himself a strong urge to enlist. So, at the age of eighteen, Tony said goodbye to his loving, middle-class family, and hello to the Marines, with plenty of potential and perhaps too free a spirit. During basic training, he found himself clashing with his trainers, disagreeing with their mean-spirited treatment of trainees. While this almost never worked out for the better (he was almost dismissed for insubordination), some trainers admired his ability to lead others against an opposing force, and Tony soon found himself deployed against insurgents. He quickly made a name for himself among his fellow soldiers for being able to seemingly make it through any situation, no matter how tough it may seem, and slowly he ranked up to Corporal. Over the years he's served, Tony has been deployed in many combat zones, seeing his fair share of death, destruction and triumph. While all the death has scarred him, he continues to wholeheartedly serve the FSA, doing what he believes is right and beneficial for his team.