After all of that nonsense Shu did wonder whether this guy was going to be able to be held under proper control and not allowed to go and attack like that, but then again he didn’t know how strong the Shaman was or how strong others of his kind were. If it took soldiers to get to this man then maybe it was worth keeping them here and not taking them off the planet. He still didn’t like how they had to do that, especially when it wasn’t fair in his eyes. Letting out a deep sigh he shook his head, eventually and slowly looking up to Takeshi again, “Noooo, it was Friend T’charrl that did more than me! I just bit some guy and went crazy again”, he spoke, taking another fruit for T’charrl to have, “It was nice coming back, though! But sore feet and very hot air doesn’t really go well with me. I don’t like being too hot and too dry at the same time!” Shu could do with a nap when he got home and so could T’charrl, seeing how hurt he was and how torn up his wings were. He hoped Vegeta or the doctor didn’t get too angry with him, but if he did he would stand up for his friend and say how much he did. Feeling as if he could do with a wash too, he stared at the man curiously before looking back to Takeshi, giving a nod, “We stay here and we’ll be okay! I lost my shoes back there”, he spoke quickly, looking at his feet, “I am not very good with clothes when I do that…” Contemplating over his lack of footware, he looked back to Sana as he slowly moved forward, giving him a poke with his foot to have a check on him, “Ummm…uh huh, he is”, he nodded, looking to Takeshi, “Friend T’charrl wrapped him up pretty good! I don’t know how he’ll get out of that…”