"Bye bye," Nikita called after Shakuntala. Sipping the rest of her tea, Nikita grabbed her clothes and bathroom necessities (which was already pre-packed in a bag) and went to the showers. Morning showers were a great way to clear the mind, especailly after last night's event. Standing under the water as the lavender smelling soap suds fell from her body to the drain of the small white bathroom stall, Nikita could still feel the uneasiness. How many times had this happened? A lot. She remebered hearing the rumors since her first year. She hadn't had many friends back than and it was only natural for her to hear and pick up things. She was scared, the uneasiness in her stomach a sign that it was only going to get worse, this time maybe it would be someone close to her that she would lose. Turning off the water, steam filled the stall and left it's misty dew on her skin. Wrapping up, Nikita brushed her teeth, washed her face and brushed her hair, towel drying which caused the gentle curl of her blonde hair to scrunch up into tighter waves of curls. Heading back to her room, the blonde finished dressing. Brushing her hand against the [url=http://d111vui60acwyt.cloudfront.net/product_photos/2845487/30245_P_1336103707097_original.jpg]dress, Nikita finished with her simple jewlery and hat[/url] Currently the weather was nice enough to wear short sleeves, at least to her. Spring in Russia was a bit harsher than in Japan so it was nice to see the sun, or the occasional rain shower. Grabbing her school [url=http://gallery.allwomenstalk.com/Fashion/2011/06/7-cute-canvas-bags/2_topshop-beige-stripe-canvas-lady-bag_7-cute-canvas-bags.jpg]bag[/url], Nikita left the room, checking the time on her phone and noticing how late it was. 'I took longer shower than supposed to.' She thought. It was 6 when she left to take a shower and now it was 7, an hour had passed without her knowing. "Oh no!" She exclaimed as her steps down the stairs quickened to get outside. She had totally forgot she was supposed to meet Shakuntala for breakfast!! Hurrying into the school, Nikita had to take a moment to breath. Looking at her phone again the digital numbers said 7:05. A deep breath before she wiped her forehead and entered the school. It was a large school, winding halls and corridors, spiraling stairs and many rooms, some rooms even hidden and secret club hang outs. At least that was the rumor. She had never been in a club before though she was interested in joining one. Walking the halls toward the cafeteria, Nikita saw a familiar head of light blonde hair dash down a hall. "Weisse..." She recognized him instantly and wondered where he was going. Looking toward the cafeteria, and than back down the hall where she could see Weisse retreating to, Nikita decided to follow. Upon seeing him enter a room, his voice being the final confirmation she was following her dorm neighbor. The other female though, with lovely blue hair, went to Wiesse and squeled over him. It sure was s urprise and it made Nikita giggle softly. Wiesse did look like a girl, and Nikita knew full well what the female thought. It would be the same for her as well. Her green eyes than shifted to the other man who was carrying and moving boxes. This must have been a club room... Sending a soft smile for a greeting, "Ohayƍ." the Russian-Japanese bowed respectively to the person she had recognized to be the president's...sibling...? They were always together and Nikita had just assumed. "Good Morning." She than greeted the cute ditzy female and her lovely friend Wiesse. In English the Russian accent was thick, but in Japanese it still flowed nicely because of her constant use in the language she had attributed the accent. She had to thank the traditional Japanese tea houses and her Flower Shop job. "My English not good. But I help?" Eyes squinting and pink lips in a big smile on her soft face.