[b]Name:[/b] Feron Blackwater [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://s12.postimg.org/qutxfkqlp/Ryuji_Yamazaki_full_1623318.jpg] “I’ll crush my enemies; not just dragons.”[/url] Even if Feron wasn’t a Dragonslayer, he would still be quite intimidating. He’s tall, really tall, like almost seven feet tall. Add over 250 pounds of nearly pure muscle, and he sends bandits scurrying for the woods with his mere presence. [b]Personality:[/b] Gruff, blunt, and all around not the best company. While he doesn’t go out of his way to be rude and insult others, as he is a man of little words for the most part, he doesn’t hold his thoughts back either. Inspite of that, he is a rather protective fellow who looks out for others in conflict. He might not be happy that he’s dragging your ass out, but he’s still dragging it. Contrary to his appearance, Feron fights with intellect and skill despite his choice of weapon. Though he gets a maniac gleam from encountering strong dragons, his zeal for battle is only shown through his increased strength and endurance. His mind remains unclouded and clear, finding the best way to end worthy battles. [b]Brief Backstory:[/b] Unlike other Dragonslayers, his strength was never bellied by his size. He towered over the town’s children, wrestled with the best warriors, and seemed to fear nothing. By the time he was a young teenager there was nothing left for him to compete against. Tallest and strongest, he had already beaten his townsmen and wrestled the wild beasts around his home, emerging victorious. With nothing to challenge him, Feron grew restless and eager to test himself. He lamented that there was no beast worthy to challenge him, and sought to set out from this small town he called home. As if to challenge his right to leave, a mighty dragon descended from the sky to block his path. The very ground quaked when it landed, deep talons digging trenches into the soft soil underneath. Rather than fear, Feron simply felt elation as his instinct roared for him to take the beast’s life. This is what he was born to do. The two fought and it became legend, for the small town at the least. Some brave souls witnessed the encounter between the two destined foes; Dragonslayer and Dragon. The dragon fought with fang, claw, and fire. With every breath, the night seemed to arrive; so intense were the flames. Did he shy away from the beast? No, he faced it head on. The fires licked at his skin, but he endured. His weapons shattered against his fearsome foe’s scales, but that did not dissuade Feron. If steel would not break the beast, than his fists, having shattered swords before would do the trick. In the end he slew the beast, but it was far from a clean or glorious kill. The dragon’s corpse was a mess, shattered bones, broken claws, its throat crushed, and torn skin. Feron did not fare much better, and had this encounter occurred in the wilderness he likely would have perished. As it was though, his fellow villagers retrieved their hero and nursed him back to health. He set out afterwards, recovered and stronger than before. [b]Abilities:[/b] An incredible physique, even amongst the fabled Dragonslayers. His strength titanic his body unbreakable, he was born to challenge the dragons head on. Not as fast as most of his kind, Feron is the [url=http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MightyGlacier]mighty glacier[/url] of the Dragonslayers. He fights not with acrobatics nor fancy movements, but stands indomitable against a dragon’s onslaught. With impeccable skill, he manages to turn aside or maneuver himself in such a manner that what would be crushing blows are made into glancing grazes. And with that same skill he manages to deliver devastating strikes that outright cripple lesser foes. [b]Equipment:[/b] Feron doesn’t bother with any armor, the unnatural toughness of his body is generally enough. Any equipment that would offer better protection would restrict his natural dexterity. His weapon, [url=http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120512052559/monsterhunter/images/0/0a/Weapon199.png]Dragonbreaker[/url], is a massive warhammer made from the talon of a great dragon slain before his time. It’s heavy enough that even Feron has to handle the weapon two-handed to use it with skill, and is incredibly resilient. Even boulders shatter underneath its strikes. And what is a hammer without nails? Feron carries three stakes on his back whenever he goes out to hunt. Massive in size, these 1.5m lengths of steel are used to pin dragons whenever the opportunity presents itself. He’s been known to drive them through a dragon’s tail with a single blow, grounding the mighty beasts.