sorry it took me so long. been a rough week. heres my write up. let me know if you want me to change anything. If his gear is over the top, can tone it down a bit Name: Niko Appearance: A scrawny guy who is about 5’6” and under 120 pounds. Long bleach blond hair(approaching silver) drapes down just over his light green eyes. His narrow face does not have a very prominent jaw and he is fairly pale. he wears a pair of bright green expensive looking headphones. He wears close fitting dark grey pants knife sheath on his left thigh, Vladof revolver at right hip, and a couple of pockets and pouches here and there. He wears a strange backpack with no pockets but a pair of magnetic mounts for guns on either side. A Chrome Sniper rifle rests right side of the pack and a Maliwan fire smg on the other. He has a bandoleer coming up over his right shoulder with extra clips and grenades. He wears a purple tee-shirt with a vault sign on it and a lightweight trimfit jacket over top of it. The bandoleer goes over the jacket. Age: 18 cycles Gender: Male Class and description of class: Rangers specializes in sniper rifles and are well acquainted with the brutal efficiency of a good headshot. Rangers are fast on their feet in order to change positions and line up shots faster. Action skill: (don’t know if you guys are actually using these, but hey it will at least be good for flavor text) a Ranger goes into a zen like state where he moves like a swift river pulling off impossible shots left and right. Statwise: eliminates recoil. Increases Fire rate, accuracy, reload speed and aimtime dramatically. Mobility and jump height goes up. Basically run and gun mode. No actual damage modifications, but he is much better at shooting on the move. Weapons/accessories: Vladoff Sniper Rifle (Razrez moloko), Maliwan fire smg, Dahl sniper rifle(caustic, burst fire), Vladof revolver. Longbow Shock mirv grenade mod, impulse pack(to boost mobility, kind of like a jetpack that only cant fly, only do short bursts of thrust). Combat knife. Sven the gecko Personality: Adaptable, friendly, energetic. Likes/preferences: open spaces, lizards, pizza, accurate guns, shiny thingies! Dislikes: bandit weapons, torgue weapons, people who block his shots, spiders, cacti, spider-cacti(oh god why?). Echolog02’ Niko: singing/scatting to himself “boop boop bedoop, badamp beep dobop dowhop beaaaaooo-ooh what haaave we here? A shiny purple rock? This is the BEST rock! Its mine now. Kay back to the road bedoop doop badap dap” Bandit “Somebody jacked our eridium, waste the rakkbait!” Niko: “bamp ba-eh? Oh shit!” Gunfire erupts and continues for a few seconds Bandit “get out from that rock where we can kill ya! Niko “Why don’t’cha send someone round. I got a fresh clip and a nice round for the first head I see! You dumbasses realize this is slagwyrm territory, yah? Maybe you should piss off before they notice us? Bandit yelling loudly “Nice try skagpie, we’re gonna waste you! And we’d be damned if any stupid lizards gonna stop us” (in whispered tone) “hey he’s gotta reload at somepoint. hey spence. you gotta shield, right? Get your ass out there and soak some – oh god what the fucks that” Sounds of combat ensue, and then die down Niko “aaaand they’re gone. didn’t I warn em sven? eh, what's that?" (pauses as if listening) "yeah,your right! i AM right good person, arent i? Alright on to the next place with our shiny new rock! Bamp bedamp dobap bedoop” End of echo recording