[center][b]Daniel[/b][/center] Daniel smiled back at the cute girl in front of him. "Yeah probably." Daniel said laughing. "That was a good one." Daniel smiled and softly punched her on the shoulder. "But, I got to get to class. It's half way across the school." Daniel exclaimed making a stressed face. "I'll see you, Weisse and Nikita at lunch!" Daniel began running as fast as he could across campus. he ran as fast as he could to his Advanced English class. That's what he had first period. He arrived in the room and sat down in the first seat he saw. Which happened to be one of the only open ones, it was in the back row in the very left corner. He had a good view of the board and he always liked sitting in the back. Daniel pulled out his pocket watch looking at the time. He had exactly 1 minute to spare before he would have been late. Smiling, Daniel looked up waiting for the teacher to come into the room. But, instead was greeted by a blue haired boy with glasses. The boy Imediantly found Daniel and smiled. Walking over to him and sitting his back pack down in the seat next to him. "I'm Ronny, nice to meet you." The boy spoke kindly and smoothly. The boy then smiled and pushed his glasses up on his face.