[center][b]Princess Elaena Targaryen[/b] [img=http://i.imgur.com/q8lW2lB.png] Seven Namedays[/center] [b]Char Description[/b] Precocious with a quick mind. Where Daena has a fierce wildness and Rhaena is one of quiet reflection, Elaena falls between the extremes of her elder sisters. But a young child just growing into both body and mind, she can be overly sensitive but rarely succombs to tantrums. She carries the burden of being not only a third daughter, but the fifth child of the late king, a man she barely remembers and knows little of beyond what Uncle Viserys has told her. The littlest princess is eager to please and to find recognition, she is still young enough to be entertained by fanciful stories, but can readily tell the difference between fact and fiction. Religion most particularly is but a story, perhaps the influence of having two overly religious siblings in Baelor and Rhaena. Many who deal with the child, other than Viserys at least, easily forget how fractured the little girl's life has been. She has grown up in the shadow of death and insanity, perhaps even tainted by it. She never knew her father or aunt, and her own mother passed on before Elaena was able to form any true memories. Her older siblings tend to either bully or ignore her, she has no friend in Daena or Rhaena. Her inquisitive nature often lands her in trouble, she has already learned some of the secret passages of the Red Keep and has forced, on more than one occasion, the Master of Coin to allow her to help much to King Daeron's chagrin. The Septas and Maester aren't quite sure what to make of her and her claim to see things in dreams. Dragon dreams, particularly after the...incidences of the previous generation...are more feared than wondered at. Happiness is found, however, for Elaena retains a brightness about her when the dreams do not plague her. She has some friends in the children of the courtiers of the Red Keep, including a young Darklyn boy who seems to have taken a childish fancy to the Princess. Happiness too is found in her uncle, himself a fifth child. She has traveled on some occasions with her uncle, even having gone so far as to have seen Braavos.