[center][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/ENMawdn.png[/IMG][/center] [b]“ARE YOU READY TO PARTY!?”[/b] Loudly said a lightly-brown skinned male. The sounds of the bass bumped through the club. Lights of various shades flared off the ceiling and floor, they also reflected off of the disco ball hanging above everyone dancing in the club. Fists were pumping in the air, everyone shouting in excitement. They wanted to party, that’s for sure. There was groping, rubbing, kissing, embracing, punching, slapping — just about everything one could expect from a late-night club party. The man operating the music, he could be seen with a pair of green and brown Beats Headphones around his head as he toyed with his various music-making props. Nearing midnight, the party was over. This club was only open till midnight, anyways. Soon, everyone walked out, and the last of them was the Disc Jockey who had been hired to be said DJ for the night. After he got paid from the Club Owner and then he walked out, bag over his shoulder. As Carlos walked down the street, he took notice to how the skies were nice tonight. Grey clouds covered most of the blackness, but he could see the moonlight showing through some of it. The stars added a very peaceful atmosphere to it. Carlos took steps rather deeply. Unlike the usual person walking, his steps actually were him sort of dipping his lower body and taking as what people would call ‘double step’. It was much like how street gangsters walk, but not as tacky. Heading home, Carlos was about five blocks away. It was lucky for him that his job tonight was near his home. He would turn a corner and come on 2nd street. He would come to the sight of some drunk. Said drunk would approach him, baring ragged clothing with tears all over and a bottle of hard liquor in his hand. Carlos would slowly back away, just hoping to avoid any trouble from the man. However, the drunk would look to Carlos and the DJ would notice something weird about him. His eyes seemed bigger than they should be and the man had very pointed ears. Carlos instantly thought the man resembled an owl of some kind. The drunk would just keep on repeating. [b]“It’s the end! It’s the end!”[/b], over and over again. Carlos tilted his head in some very modest confusion. Carlos would just turn a corner and something happened. He blacked out for a few seconds and he came to the sight of some tavern-like place. He looked at it and there was a neon sign. Carlos really didn’t think that was odd. The sign read ‘Coffee Shack’. Carlos just walked in, hoping to get at least some understanding of what had just happened. He walked into the shack and he looked around. It looked like something out some kind of old-timey picture. The joint was really rustic and just read old-fashioned to Carlos. The DJ would then pull up a barstool and sit in it, just thinking about what this place was. Carlos was looking down at the wooden countertop and it was oddly shaded with neon green and purple. Suddenly, he heard strange voice. “What will it be?” Carlos looked up and saw a spoon. An actual, talking spoon wearing an apron. Carlos shook his head, his reddish-brown hair flying across his face. He adjusted his hat. “Um, I’ll have a Pepsi.” He nervously said biting his thumb with his pearly whites. “Coming right up, doll face.” Carlos didn’t know what to event think. Where was he? Wherever he was, he would just let the answers come to him and not seek them out foolishly. ----- [center][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/hId65CO.png[/IMG][/center] [b]“Harder! Harder!”[/b] The sounds of an unstable, rocking bed banging against the wall could be described as a loud thumping noise. Moans of both male and female could be heard in a sorority house, but in one room specifically the moans were louder and more intense than any other girl in the house. One in specifc, a very busty, bubbly, outgoing, quite sexual, brown-haired female was at the epicenter of it all. Her body being thrusted, taken, embraced, kissed, and quite simply, fucked to kingdom come. The time of which she remembered when it started escaped her mind, but the time was definitely nearing midnight and it all started in around ten. So, it was definitely happening for almost two hours and it was almost done. Once the climax of it all was reached, she got off from the bed, her movements causing it to squeak. As she walked up, her naked body was seen from a fellow student. She would head to the bathroom and grab a brush. She gently ran the brush through her hair, causing it to straighten to her shoulders. She would smile lightly at the man laying in her bed. She would then release a giggle, and speak. [b]“You can let yourself out.”[/b] She said turning to the bathroom. The man was shocked. [b]“But what about sleeping together?”[/b] He asked quite baffled and confused. She peaked her head out the bathroom. [b]“Oh please, you’re just a guy I fucked, nothing more and nothing less. ‘[/b] She said rather coldly. [b]“Now, please leave, and don’t wake up anyone.”[/b] She said closing the door of her bathroom. A few seconds later she would hear a door open and closing, telling her that her fuck buddy for the night had left. Staring into the mirror, Lenore smiled at herself. She would then turn on the hot water and in the following ten minutes, she would bathe herself and do it rather quickly. Afterwards, she would dry herself, place on some clothes, which included a long-sleeved shirt that was brown on the sleeves and white on the torso. She would then put on a frilly skirt that had pinkish-brown and black on it, stockings of the same colors, but striped, and black shoes. Her plan was to go visit a friend before she would turn in. So, with that being settled, Lenore would head out of her room, out of the house, and start walking through campus. Her friend just lived a few blocks away from the campus, so it wasn’t like she had to walk far. In a few minutes, she found herself off-campus and as she crossed the street, she saw something out of the corner of her eye. Sure, it wouldn’t strike as odd, but what she saw was a hooker, obviously trying to get clients, but what she saw was weird. [b]“Is that fur?”[/b] She said, musing her thoughts aloud. As she continued to look, a car went by her line of sight and the hooker was gone. Lenore blinked three times. After that, she noticed that not only was she not on the street that she was just at, but around her were weird surroundings. Odd colors on buildings and just about everything that was not normal. [b]“Oh boy, what did I get myself into now?”[/b]