After he had finished the first test with the 3DMG, Samuel knew he wanted to get back in one as soon as possible. He wasn't afraid of heights like some kids were; as a matter of fact growing up that trait had been incredibly helpful when he and his brother had needed to make a quick getaway after stealing food or clothes from the street vendors. Samuel had learned very quickly how to navigate and maneuver through the district, often times climbing high up onto the roofs in order to move more freely. The fact that this device would allow him to maneuver to any height with ease was a very attractive idea to him. He knew that it would take quite some time to get used to the way the 3DMG worked, and for once he found that he was excited about the prospect of learning. Reluctantly he took off the gear and gave it back to the trainer. His thoughts immediately travelled back to what he would do when he was in the gear next, -------- The next few days, Samuel followed the same routine, spending as much of his time as possible alone, and using every opportunity that he could to examine and observe the 3DMG system in use. The time they spent in the classroom learning about how the device worked helped Samuel's understanding significantly. He was excited about the prospect of getting to use the 3DMG again, but on the outside he appeared just as apathetic as always. Each time he got to put the gear on, Samuel tried to learn something new. He discovered fairly quickly that he had a knack for maneuvering with the 3DMG. He kept this hidden as much as he could from the other recruits and the trainers. Samuel wanted to remain anonymous for as long as possible, but any chance that he could he refined his ability to move around with the equipment. And then the day came when they were going to be able to take the 3DMG's and use them to navigate through the forest. For the first time in as long as he could remember, Samuel was excited for the future, even if it was only going to be temporary. ------- [b]"Second Row! Move out!"[/b] The instructor bellowed out to the remaining recruits. Standing amongst the recruits in the second row, Samuel needed no further warning. Launching both of his hooks into a high branch, he applied just enough gas to get him moving with some speed as he reeled in the lines. Entering the forest, Samuel detached both of his hooks and allowed his momentum to carry him forwards a ways. Spotting another nearby tree, Samuel launched his right hook into it and shifted his weight so that he swung around the tree with speed. Withdrawing his hook he continued moving through the forest, following close behind the first row.