[center][img]http://i60.tinypic.com/wwlov4.png[/img][/center] "Shit," Audrey turned her pockets inside out, her hands were shaking, and her phone was nowhere in sight. In a way, the massive skyscrapers and neon lights resembled Kingswood street, but Kingswood street did not have a floating park, of that she was certain. Audrey felt like a fish out of water and she remained on the ground with a frightened look on her face. "Young lady?" It was a doberman in business suit, "you look pale, are you alright?" Hell to the no! Audrey scrambled back, her back pressed up against a wall. "Gods, I only had a glass!" She ran a hand through her hair, unsure about everything that was happening. Had someone slipped something into her drink? Damn it all. The doberman looked offended, "please, calm down. You're scaring people." Walking clocks and people with wings had stopped to stare and a young boy with rainbow colored eyes looked frightened. "You're scaring the child, young lady." He placed a paw on her shoulder and frowned. "Just take a deep breath, okay--" before he could say more he was shoved roughly to the ground and he watched as the girl bolted down the street, leaving her belongings behind. Audrey muttered a flurry of curses as the wind whipped against her skin. She ran across the street, and a car shaped like a carrot swerved to the right, the driver honking his horn angrily and muttering something about reckless teenagers. She didn't have time to fear for her life and she ran and ran until she slammed into someone and fell back onto the street. The girl closed her eyes, and hissed. Slowly, she picked herself up and noticed that the person she had bumped into looked oddly...human. And for some reason, she was familiar too. --- [center][img]http://i59.tinypic.com/ao59v8.png[/img][/center] Nikolai didn't know what he was feeling, but he guessed it was a mix of utter terror and astonishment. "Here you go, sweetheart, one strawberry smoothie." The spoon winked, "on the house. Now, would you like something more filling, cutie? Growing boys need to eat, don't they, what do you say?" She took out a pad of paper and a pencil, waiting for his reply. "I'm full..." Niko mumbled as he stared at his drink. The young man's grip on the glass tightened and he watched as the sugary liquid sloshed around the glass. He was still in shock and he watched as a bear in a top hat played billiards with a man in full body armor. This had to be dream, a horrifyingly really realistic dream. He brought the cup to his lips and took a big gulp, the sweetness on his tongue tasted nice, but all the same, he shivered. It felt too real to be just a dream. "Mind if I sit and join ya pal?" A little man scrambled up onto his seat and didn't even give him time to speak. "Friday nights are always busy." He hoisted his suitcase onto the table and began taking out all sorts of utensils. "So, what brings you to the Coffee Shack?" "I don't know," he kept his eyes on the spoon and watched as she approached another table. Niko rubbed at his eyes and froze. "Carlos."