[center][b]Liveria, Peril in the Mountains...[/b][/center] They were still on the surface but for some reason, gazing at the mountains, the feeling of being home returned to her, must be the looming presence of all that rock and stone that made her think like that. She glanced at her companion, Ceann did not seem fazed at all by the sight, her eyes wandering, ever alert for any hint of trouble. She resisted the urge to snort, back home in the Underdark she would do the same, but up here, in this strange environment she had no idea what was a threat or what was just the... chirping of birds. She just had to be mindful of her bodyguard's reactions who had spend decades on the surface. When they reached the foothills and saw the crude posts with human skulls marking the orcish territory they were about to intrude upon she glanced at the skulls. They did not look worn or decayed, these ones were fresh... and the orcs had taken care to make sure they stood out to offer warning to any trespassers, not that this expedition seemed to care for the warning. She listened to the talking and smiled, oh yes... Orcs could be brutal... and savage... but if you encountered a tribe with a good blacksmith to give orc warriors decent weapons and armour, not to mention a mage or shaman with considerable power... then they are a force to be reckoned with. Look at the Orcs in the Free Holds... one would hardly call them savage of what they have established in those parts. Orc slaves make good shock troops in any battle... the fact that those skulls had been shined, with not hint of flesh or tissue remaining could mean the orcs inhabiting these parts were not as savage as one might suspect... As they entered the mountains she shuddered, wrapping her cloak tighter around herself, "The presence of stone and rock reminds me a little of home but the cold I could do without." She grumbled. Ceann smiled and shrugged, "It will get colder and difficult to breathe the higher we go, slow your breathing and take time to breathe in and out calmly and we will be fine." She murmured back, keeping one eye on the road ahead while also trying to keep watch of their surroundings. They were trespassers here and they had seen signs what happened to those who violated the border the Orcs maintained... Andrea tightened the cloak around her and muttered something about the freezing cold under her breath, they continued for a while when suddenly the group halted, Ceann also perking up and signing to Andrea after Helénē did so too. Gritting her teeth she glanced at Ceann who signed for her to be quiet, only when she narrowed her eyes in irritation at that Ceann continued with the signs for 'Ambush' and 'Ahead'. She listened to the conversation and frowned, provoking the orcs might work. She had no desire to find another path, turning their backs on Orcs... or whatever evil there was out there the Angel had sensed. She turned to Ceann, her mouth opening to ask what she thought of all this when she blinked in surprise, closing her mouth. Ceann had dismounted and readied her bow, just finishing putting the string in place and walked to the leadership of their group, apparently happy to not consult with Andrea with whatever she was up to. Stopping she glanced at Helénē, Mila and Gabriel, nodding curtly. "I'll scout." She didn't ask it, she simply stated a simple fact, hunching down to a crouch she glanced at the terrain ahead, looking at a spot on the higher ground some distance from the ambush site with the darkness that might have the presence of a hint of shadow where she could perhaps observe whoever or whatever lied in wait for them at the prepared boulders on the path ahead... and vanished, her form turning dark, like a shadow before she was gone from the spot she had been crouched at. Andrea blinked and spluttered, growling as she tightened her hand around the handle of her snakewhip, the enchanted snake-head slipping out and circling itself around her waist, sensing her anger and irritation. She would need a word with her companion to consult her first before acting like she did. Especially without her approval or consent was her thought as she silently fumed...