[center][img]http://i60.tinypic.com/wwlov4.png[/img][/center] "Yeah..." she pinched the bridge of her nose and closed her eyes. Whatever this was, it didn't seem like it would be ending soon. "Who am I?" Audrey couldn't help but stare blankly at Lenore. "Someone needs to get their priorities checked." They didn't have time to play nice and introduce themselves because for all they knew, those animals in suits could turn feral at any moment. What then? They didn't have claws or weapons to fight back with, that was what. It'd be game over for them and they'd wind up as someone's dinner, whoop de freakin do. Her eyebrows were furrowed together in annoyance and she sucked in a breath of air. It was the stress and alcohol speaking, Audrey cleared her head and sighed. "Sorry, but we should focus on finding a way out of here. We can chat if we survive this..." Whatever this was, there was a slight pause before she finally murmured her name. "Audrey Calloway," the girl raised her eyebrows in question. "And you are--OH SHIT, give me a break." A lion and a lioness in police outfits were headed their way, the doberman trailed behind them, looking worried. "Stop," the lion narrowed his eyes. "You're in trouble, little missy for jaywalking and disturbing the peace." She looked at the police officers then at Lenore. "Well now...this is a predicament. Well, officers I'd like to say something." She lowered her head and for a moment appeared as if she were going to be submissive. "What is it?" The lion arched an eyebrow. Audrey gave them a smug looking smile and had she been completely sober, she wouldn't have done the next thing. She gave them the middle finger, and leaned in to whisper in her fellow human's ear. "I think now would be a good time to start running." --- [center][img]http://i59.tinypic.com/ao59v8.png[/img][/center] It really was the DJ... For a moment, Nikolai just sat there, dumbfounded. Seeing a familiar face eased his nerves a little bit, but he still felt utterly terrified by all the impossible things that were going on. "Hey," he fumbled with sleeves, "this is just some elaborate dress up party, right?" A headless man walked in the dorm, a jack o lantern tucked snugly beneath his arm. Niko refused to believe it, "did Serah come up with the costumes? She really outdid herself this time." Serah was an interior design major who sometimes made costumes and props for the theater group. She and Niko hung out from time to time and her drawings were always amazing. "Costumes?" The midget stood up and scowled at both boys. "Whatcha fellows talkin' bout. This is the real thing!" He thumped his chest and scowled. "You hear that brothers and sisters." He gestured wildly, with wide, offended eyes. "These two fellas think we're phonies." He jumped out of his seat and began marching towards Carlos. The midget wanted to jab a finger at the man's chest but only managed to reach his knees. "You think I'm fake you bozo!" Nikolai grabbed the tiny man by the collar of his shirt and pulled him back. In response the midget began attacking his leg. "I didn't mean to offend you," his eyebrows were drawn together. "Coffee shop, I work there part time." He shook his head. "Do you know what's going on? I think I might have stumbled into one of your costume parties."