Everyone had done their part in that little raid of theirs. Some more than others, sure, but everyone had contributed. Or maybe that was just Takeshi refusing to let Shu believe he was useless, he wasn't sure. Either way he supposed it didn't matter so much now, it was over and done with, that's what was important. "If we come back again we're not getting involved in any fighting. And we're definitely taking the shuttle," he said, nodding his head, "I am kind of wondering what the rest of the planet looks like. Maybe there's more places like that city, where it's all green and lush. We should find out sometime." Well after this fighting nonsense had died down. They were getting in the middle of a lot of people's battles as of late, it was getting kind of old. Sure, helping people out was nice and all he supposed, but where they didn't have any real stake in what was happening it was kind of a waste of time. It wouldn't take an army to drop off Sana, so Takeshi figured he'd do it himself. Every bit of his body yelled at him to stay in his seat, but he was still more mobile than both Shu and T'charrl despite that. Feeling like he could collapse was a potential risk, but he'd never exactly been a cautious person before anyways, to hell with being safe. The sooner they handed off their captive, the sooner they got their reward and could leave. "We've got a ton of those shoes, I don't think one pair matters," the older boy commented, shrugging his shoulders. It might just well be better from now on if they let Shu run about stark naked. No clothes for him to rip and he'd be his old little wild self. Then again... Takeshi wasn't too keen on seeing his brother frolicking about in his hairy birthday suit. They really ought to get to teaching him to control his transformations, sooner rather than later. Setting the ship down in the town center he took a moment to relax, checking to make sure Sana was still out. "Good, that will make this easier. And who cares how he'll get out, or how they'll get him out. Our part is done after we hand him off." Servas was waiting right outside, so somehow they knew the trio had been coming. Hm, sneaky lizard, probably had someone watching them back in the other city. Whatever, it was a warzone after all he supposed, not unusual to have spies and the likes. Pushing himself up out of his seat Takeshi stepped into the back of the shuttle, going right for the unconscious Shaharian. Leaning over and wincing as the wound on his back was strained, Takeshi picked up Sana in his arms, draping the alien over his good shoulder. Wow, for a lizard he was sure heavy, and he smelled bad too, yuck. Wrinkling his nose in disgust he carefully stepped around T'charrl, going to the release for the doors and pulling it. "I'll be right back you guys, just hang tight." Waiting for the doors to lower completely, the Saiyan frowned at the wave of heat that hit him. Oh yeah, it was kind of hot on this planet. The air-conditioned shuttle seemed like heaven comparatively right now, but he couldn't stay inside. Sighing softly Takeshi stepped on outside, squinting slightly against the sun as he did so. He'd barely gotten out of the ship when he walked right into a small circle of soldiers, with Servas standing at the head of the group. "Friends! Knew sending you was good idea! Strong you are, managed to beat Sana!" Servas said cheerfully, smiling his toothy smile. From what he could see at first glance it looked like it had been difficult, Takeshi appeared to be a bit worse for wear, but still very much active. Such as he figured, Saiyans were quite a durable bunch, even when beaten down. Takeshi forced a small smile, nodding his head as he adjusted Sana on his shoulder. "Yeah.... We did, kind of. Though you forgot to mention that he and his men had been trained by Saiyans. We didn't expect that at all, so thanks for that." Servas' smile changed to a more apologetic one, bowing his head as a show of condolences. "A thousand apologies, friends. We didn't think they'd be a challenge, honest. Thought you would be okay, weren't sure of their true strength either. See now we were wrong, sorry. But you succeeded!" he added, lifting his head again. "Beat Sana, his men too, I guess! Not solve the problem, but put a big dent in it. Maybe now we negotiate, get the others to abandon Saiyan influence. After all, cannot become strong ourselves when we're divided." If they could get back to their old ways, each city having its own ruler, and said rulers working in tandem, then Shaharians could be strong again. With groups breaking off to serve some tyrant of a king they would never be able to regain their glory. Takeshi was hard pressed not to voice his annoyance, perhaps too tired more than anything to bother. Giving a nod of his head he lifted Sana up, dropping him at the feet of a few waiting soldiers before giving his shoulder wound a rubbing. "Sounds like you've got your hands full there, good luck with that. We're uh, kind of busy ourselves too, you know. So if you don't mind, we could kind of use that stuff you promised, we need to get going." Shu, T'charrl and himself all needed some medical attention, and they'd wasted enough time on this planet as it was. For a dead end they sure put in a lot of effort here, with any luck their next stop would be better. "Yes, yes! We have reward, prepared for you! If in hurry then no worry, we get you home, yes!" Glancing down at Sana at their feet, Servas motioned for two of his men to grab their captive, watching as he was taken off towards the same building they'd stopped in earlier. Gesturing to another pair of Shaharians he smiled as they carried over a sizable crate, placing it at Takeshi's feet. Lifting the lid to show him the contents were all there they left it for him to put inside, seeing how it was fairly full with T'charrl and Shu being inside. "More favors you've done for us, owe you a great deal. This is not payment, not enough. If ever come again, need any more, we'll be happy to help!" Yeah, after they probably did another favor for the guy, Takeshi thought cynically. Standing around in the heat going through these formalities was making him grumpy, among other things. Still he managed a smile, nodding his head before grabbing hold of the crate. "We'll keep that in mind, don't worry. Hope everything works out for you guys here, I'd hate to come back and find out its a mess." Really having little desire to sit around and chat he took the chance to drag the crate inside of the ship, managing to find room at the head of the compartment, just behind his seat. Having to find a few cords lying around he fastened it as best he could, hoping it wouldn't slide about. Turning back to the open door he gave a small wave to the group outside, pulling the latch again and waiting for the door to close. Once it had shut completely Takeshi sat down on top of the container, sighing softly and running a hand through his hair. "Holy crap... That guy is annoyingly happy."