Shu was pretty sure there would be places like that city somewhere else on this planet, but he didn’t really want to hang around for too long when they had other stuff to do. While it would be nice to and he would enjoy it, people wouldn’t and he would still struggle to find reason as to why they should stay. T’charrl seemed to like exploring the planet, but his body didn’t and that was going to be a problem for the poor guy. He looked so ill just sitting there suckling on fruit, making Shu feel bad for something he couldn’t control. Letting out a sigh, he nodded at Takeshi as he shifted a little on the spot, “We should try and find a nice place sometime for Friend T’charrl and not go out in sandy-sand”, he spoke, picking out another fruit, “We should also get more fruit here for us; who knows when we get fruit again? I don’t know…do you know? I don’t think so”. T’charrl could only slowly chew on the fruit he was given, letting the juices out first so he could drink that up and then eat the rest of the fruit. It was pretty difficult to do, but with his prehensile tongue he was able to get the juice first before eating the fruit itself. He did wish that he wasn’t so weak, but there wasn’t much he could do about that other than try and regain his strength and heal up eventually. Smiling a little when Shu gave him another fruit, he did try to take it himself but instead Shu fed it to him like he was a pet getting a treat. Looking out as they finally landed, he shifted a little as Takeshi decided to take the alien just now and drop him off so they could head off quicker. Shu peered outside at Servas, watching him curiously as Takeshi decided to deal with the guy himself. Slowly sinking back again, he searched through their supplies and took out a bottle of water, staring at it for a moment before slowly moving closer to T’charrl. Taking hold of one of his claws Shu gently lifted it, moving the bottle towards it before poking a hole in the top. Smiling at T’charrl, he took a drink before holding it up to T’charrl, “You should too! It’s yummy!” he giggled happily, waving it in front of his face. Watching T’charrl curiously, he stared at his tongue as it moved into the hole, sipping up the water in a way he couldn’t understand. Tilting his head curiously, he soon bounced on the spot a bit as he stared back up at him, “See? Yummy!” Feeling a lot more bubbly when compared to before, Shu squeaked when Takeshi soon returned, watching him curiously before bouncing up and waving at the window, “Bye, friends! Back soon!”