Maybe some time they'd come back here, it was hard to say. After they dealt with the King who knows what they would do next. Plenty of things were up in the air, there was not a definite just yet. "We'll bring him somewhere nice, maybe Uuonoe or something, I don't know," Takeshi answered, rising up out of his seat. That wasn't so much his concern right now as getting these two back was. Sightseeing could wait until later, when they weren't busy. Being asked to get some fruit made the older boy sulk slightly, looking over at Shu with a small smile. "We don't have time to get fruit, and I doubt they brought some. Maybe next time, sorry Shu." Goodness only knows if they hung around any longer Servas might get the wrong impression and ask them to do another mission. Helping was fine and all, but in small bursts. They weren't anyone's errand boys, though as of late it kind of felt that way. "I'm sure some other world will have fruit, we'll get some." While Shu and T'charrl relaxed, Takeshi took care of business. It was a one person job anyways, all they were really doing was handing off Sana. Easy enough, if not for having to listen to Servas blather on. Someone in his position shouldn't be so darn cheerful, it was like the guy was short a few screws or something. Trying to be polite as he could Takeshi spoke with the Shaharian for a moment, getting all the formalities and gratitude out of the way. Showing some signs of impatience he nodded gratefully when given their reward, making doubly sure that they had gotten what they were promised. Plenty of medicine, that was for sure. Some of it could probably even be used when they got back to the ship. Then again... They had the tanks, and the solution from the tanks. Huh... So this whole thing was kind of a total waste of time then, huh? Groaning inwardly Takeshi nonetheless accepted their reward, carrying it inside and securing it as best he could. Having that box knock around and potentially hit Shu or T'charrl would kind of suck, best to strap it down for now. Everything was all set at last, and with farewells from both Takeshi and Shu alike they sealed the shuttle, more than ready to get going. "I don't even know when we're going to use this medicine... We've got stuff back on the ship." Takeshi had been going on for a bit about this, still struggling to see the use in their reward. He supposed they might take it out on the field, have something to use in a fight. Only issue with that was they didn't exactly know what every little thing was for, or what it was made of even. The best thing they could do for now was hand it over to someone who knew medicine and let them check it out, see if anything in there was worthwhile. By now his injuries had begun to scab over, thankfully, so no more bleeding. Everything was just sort of a numb pounding at this point, a minute or so in a tank would take care of these no problem. Or he could just put some bandages on them and call it a day, the cuts were hardly life threatening. Glancing back at Shu, Takeshi smiled, reaching back with an open hand for some fruit. "So uh... When we get back, don't tell Yumi I left you guys for a bit, yeah? She'll probably kick my butt if she found out."