"Rika... you've heard of this place before?" Takamiya questioned, his voice echoing in the silence of the asylum. "Where? Who told you about it...?" He walked around the room, knowing the two things that he was looking for. First of all, he scanned the tile walls of the place, straining his eyes in the not-quite-pitch darkness. He could see, but only just. When he came across what he was looking for, an "Aha!" graced his lips. A light switch. "Rika, could you turn the lights on for me? My hands are kinda stuck behind your knees." This light switch was vital evidence, however. It confirmed that it was built in or after 1917 - the first toggle light switch was invented in this year by a US inventor. Along with the bloodstained beds, that meant that it was quite likely that this was a war hospital or asylum. It seemed that it had been renovated a few times, or it would certainly have fallen into disrepair. Although it was possible that the light switch had been installed with one of the renovations. [i]Why would a wizard want to do these sorts of tests in a place like this?[/i] Takamiya thought. The second thing that Takamiya was looking for would be more difficult to find. He searched every nook and cranny of the place until he finally found some. [i]Bandages.[/i] They were also stained with dried blood, but only the first few layers - Takamiya softly yet efficiently lay Rika down on the tile floor, unwound the bloody parts from the roll and applied some clean parts to her legs. "You should be alright," he assured her.