Hessta flew around the seedy planet known as Red-6 a few times before a blinking light on his control console caught his attention. He checked the diagnostics and cursed in his reptilian language when he realized that he wasn't going to be able to repair the Shuriken himself like he usually did. He drifted closer to the planet's surface and scanned the area for any kind of repair shop. After a while he settled on one and carefully landed in the loading area. He made sure all of his valuables were carefully hidden and he put his scimitars in his belt, just to be safe. Hessta walked out and slithered towards the office, where he met a strange blob creature. He raised his eyebrow and crossed his arms. :"My ship needs repairs." Simple, to the point, and a suppressed accent. Just the way Hessta liked to do it. The blob looked him over with a hint of fear and nodded "What kind of repairs ya need?" Hessta almost rolled his eyes, but stopped himself "The fuel compartment is leaking, which has caused the K-3 Drive to malfunction." The blob thing thought for a second and shrugged "That's a pretty decent job, it ain't gonna be cheap." Hessta's hand went to the pocket he kept his money in. "Fine. How much?" His glare hardened and his other hand hovered over his scimitar. The blob gulped slightly and did a few calculations. He gulped again and spoke weakly "2000." Hessta sighed and pulled out the money, tossing it on the desk. "I'll be waiting for the mechanic outside my ship." He turned and slithered back outside, leaning against the side of the Shuriken. The blob let out a breath and almost yelled over the intercom "Laika! Get out to the loading area, you got a repair!"