Takeshi nodded gratefully, grasping the fruit and biting into it hungrily. The juice was quite gratifying, but he still would rather something like a steak or other kind of meat. It would do for now, it's not like he could be too picky on their little ship. "But she gets mad when you two get hurt with me. I'm supposed to keep you safe and all that," he said, taking another bite of the fruit. He was the responsible older brother, that's what she had said a million times over by now. Okay, but why was he responsible for T'charrl then? Man, what a pain. He'd watch over them either way, feeling compelled to protect his friends and family, but it was a drag when you had someone drilling that into your head. "And she's with Choi. He's a bit goofier than Kai is, that's how I remember. There's some differences too, but they're hard to notice unless you really know them." Takeshi was grateful for him and Shu not being identical like that, it would be so confusing. If they acted the same as they did now he supposed it wouldn't be so bad, their attitudes were like night and day sometimes. Munching on another bit of fruit he lifted his arm, wiping some juice off on his sleeve before burping. "Ah... We should see if Kai wants to train again later. And actually train, not play tag like before." Takeshi could barely hear T'charrl in the back, having to really tune in to make out what was being said. They knew their friend had been getting lessons in speaking, but it was still surprising to hear him be so fluent. Smiling slightly amused he shook his head, glancing back at the Kaesstrian, "Vegeta doesn't really do angry. I've seen him mad all of twice, and it was for pretty good reason. I doubt he's going to yell at you for going out to help us. And I doubt the doctor will either." Of all the things that had happened to them today being yelled at was the least of their concerns. Same could be said for Yumi, albeit usually when she yelled there was also slapping involved. He wasn't in the mood for getting slapped right now, not that he ever really was anyways. "You want us to lie to the others for you...?" Takeshi asked, a hint of surprise in his tone, "Alright, if you want. Don't blame us though if they know otherwise." By them lying too he figured it meant himself lying, Shu wasn't the best at that. With any luck they could just slink off to one of the healing rooms without anyone seeing them, though the chances of that were pretty slim. Soon as they entered the main ship someone was bound to know they had arrived. Their ship had at last come into view, now they could start getting ready to go get checked up. First things first though, they were going to have to get inside. Thankfully it didn't require getting out and pressing the console like before, the shuttle had been fitted with a radio to hail the crew inside. Pressing a single button to let the others know they had arrived it only took but a moment for the hangar to be opened, nice to see the crew was prompt. Carefully leveling out their shuttle, Takeshi guided the smaller craft right on inside, landing it as close to the door as he could get. Feeling the legs touch down and the slight jostle of the landing he let go of the controls, sighing happily as he shut down the engines. "Jeez... Never thought I'd be so happy to get back to this ship..." he mumbled, pushing himself up out of his chair. "We should get to one of the tank rooms first, get all patched up. I guess we can leave our things here for now?" Or someone else could come get the crate, at this point Takeshi didn't particularly care. Using the wall for support he stepped into the back of the ship, looking between Shu and T'charrl. "Uh... Anyone need a hand walking?"