[b]Name:[/b] Hypatia the Hunter [b]Age:[/b] 34 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://i.imgur.com/fWxmitg.jpg]"Move your quarry, do not be moved by it."[/url] [b]Personality:[/b] Hypatia comes across as a polite, well-spoken woman with a wealth of life experience under her belt, and an appreciation for the simpler things in life. She's an incredibly relaxed person, choosing to let the likes of slights and insults slide with very little issue; it'd be petty of her to dwell on such things. Although she seems to take pleasure in telling particularity unfunny anti-jokes, she's good company for a Dragonslayer. This, however, is the lesser known side to Hypatia. What she is known for being is a sharp and level-headed tactical leader in battle. Hypatia plans steps ahead when facing the likes of a dragon, be it in the short or long term, preferring to win a battle before it actually starts. When in the thick of it, Hypatia keeps a cool head, often barking orders at others while swinging her spear at a dragon. He clarity, intellect and taciturn personality have made Hypatia an invaluable tool against the Dragon threat. Hypatia has a strong sense of duty towards humanity, a sort of noblesse oblige which she abides to. She does not hunt for money or fame, but merely for the sake of protecting. [b]Brief Backstory:[/b] The early origins of Hypatia the Hunter are well concealed from the curios sort, the result of an active effort on Hypatia's part. Her parents, her home, her childhood; none of that matters, she'd tell them. The earliest records of Hypatia come from a band of Dragonslayers called Lancea, a group she joined in her early teens. Over the next decade, Hypatia slew her fair share of dragons with Lancea, and even quite a few on an individual basis. She was never one to brute-force an encounter, always taking steps towards taking down a dragon before hand. This style of hers earned her the title of 'Hunter' from her fellow Dragonslayers in Lancea, eventually catching on with others through out Ahlunda. By the time she was twenty-one, Hypatia the Hunter was considered a prodigy Dragonslayer - not in body, but mind. At the same time, Lancea encountered a particularly odd dragon. The dragon, called Fafnir by the locals, harassed the locals of the region with odd demands at the threat of destruction. An entire towns supply of salt, locks of hair from old wives, the mandatory gold. Of course the locals complied, keeping the dragon content to merely reside in its hoard-cave. Lancea moved against Fafnir, intent on removing this dragon from the lands. This series of events ended poorly for Lancea, resulting in the death of every member other than Hypatia. She emerged from Fafnir's lair, battered and bloodied, with a newly acquired spear in hand. After the encounter with Fafnir, Hypatia went on to become more of a 'consultant' to local towns and cities in dealing with a dragon threat, as she is of the full belief that Dragonslayers alone will not be enough to put an end to the draconic menace. Although she has taken more of a backline role in the past decade, Hypatia's skills in battle have not dulled - she is still the Hunter, and it would be wise to remember such. Now, she brings her tactical expertise against the Great Iron Mountain, aiming to remove the draconic threat before it boils over into the surrounding lands. [b]Abilities:[/b] Hypatia's physical capabilities are somewhat lacking in Dragonslayer terms. She's not as fast or power as many of her cousins, but she more than makes for that with her ability to plan. Where most Dragonslayers would rush in and simply try to slay a dragon, Hypatia chooses to be patient with her quarry to learn habits and routines, possible weaknesses and quirks. Only then will she move in for the kill, springing any number of traps and striking hard and fast. She arguably makes the process of dragon slaying more complicated than it has to be at times, but her way undoubtedly produces results. When Hypatia is in combat, her martial form revolves around exploiting weaknesses and openings and awaiting for them to arise. Her movements with her spear are anything but wasteful, only moving to strike when she feels she can get something out of it, never attacking simply for the sake of doing so. Otherwise, she's a highly agile and defence based fighter. [b]Equipment:[/b] The only time Hypatia wears combat armour is when it's part of some mandatory uniform, otherwise she simply sees no need for it against the likes of a dragon. Unless it's magical, scraps of metal will do little other than help to cook you against dragon fire - or anything else they can throw at you. She chooses to wear a black suit instead. Hypatia's spear is [url=http://i.imgur.com/rpliEGs.jpg]Volsung[/url], the magical weapon she retrieved from Fafnir's hoard which she uses to bring herself up to par with other Dragonslayers on the field. In combat, electricity courses over the blade, making each blow with it all the more painful. Volsung has the quality of being recallable and dismissable.