[quote=Sheikarah] "I'll be waiting for the mechanic outside my ship." He turned and slithered back outside, leaning against the side of the Shuriken. The blob let out a breath and almost yelled over the intercom "Laika! Get out to the loading area, you got a repair!" [/quote] Laika's head hit the engine she was working on and she swore. Grease covered her hands and arms, she checked her reflection in the mirror before attempting to scrub off the grime. She gave up soon enough and decided "ag screw it, I'm a mecahnic, not a model. I don't need to be attractive." The ship was the 9th on a heap of scraps and she jumped, gliding down on out streched wings. She strolled over to the intercom "I'm on it!" than to the ship. The first thing she noticed was the snake creature before the beautiful ship. "Good Day, how may I help?" she didn't need to ask, she saw the fuel dripping on to the dry dust. The ship was handsome, but looked like it travelled far to get here.