Hello everyone to another one of my RPs. This time I have went back to one of my old RPs on another site for an idea. I hope you enjoy! The Dunland Empire the mightiest empire on the continent of Fenard has expanded to the island Kingerd in the far north. The island has always been mysterious and even before the Dunland Empire expanded its border to the north. Locals refused to go anywhere near the island which is a mere 15 miles away from the coast they have always said a fierce tribe of Gnolls live on the island and will kill any invaders. The Empire refused to listen to these tales and sent an expedition force to Kingerd. The force found ruins of an ancient city near the coast and decided to claim the city as property of the Empire. The Gnolls of Kingerd didn't like the idea and with the mightiest of warriors almost drove the Empire out but when the Champions of the Empire held the horde and was able to push them back to the other side of the city now called Tinom. The Empire may of won but lost over 50 percent of there force and now with a bad blizzard on the north they must survive two weeks of attacks from the Gnolls while dealing with a food crisis and shelter from the storms. Lore(We can expand on this because my lore from my old RP wasn't very good.) Kingerd: A mysterious island in the north. Most of it is heavily forested with trees that easliy reach hundreds of feet. The only signs of life are ruins of an ancient civilization and camps where the Gnolls live including the main one Breakwood, in the middle of the island. Kingerd unknown to the Empire is home to rich sources of Iron ores from a small line of mountains called The Breakwood Back located near the center of the island. Kingerd is roughly the size of the state of Delaware. Dunland Empire: The mightiest Kingdom on Fenard they rule nearly all of it and now expand to other lands with a goal of conquering. They are ruled by a King named Wilston the 3rd who is known for his many wars that have started from his rule. The force on Kingerd is under Champion Ledger one of the best knights in the Empire but even he wonders if they can make it out with a small army left of only 4,620 men including wounded men. Major Cities: Capital: New Bede Northken (closest city to Kingerd) Tidalle (Most southern city of the Empire) Sundale( A city still recovering from the war in the Empires deep past.) Average Imperial Footmen(Red one) :[url=http://neilblade.deviantart.com/art/Men-At-Arms-concept-178593251] Gnolls of Kingerd: One of the most dangerous tribe of Gnolls encountered by the Empire. Unlike most tribes these are not Nomadic and will fight to the last breath for their land. They are also by far the smartest Gnolls encountered and were able to flank and outmaneuver the Empire in the city. They are ruled by a Chief the Empire calls Red Mane and is the biggest of them all. Average Gnoll Warrior: [url=http://oi41.tinypic.com/vzuasn.jpg] Red Mane Bane of the Empire:[url=http://pathfinder-greyhawk.wdfiles.com/local--files/images/Gnoll.jpg] Rules: All RP Guild rules apply! I would like for nearly everybody to be an Imperial but if you really want to you can be a Gnoll. This can go really anyway everybody wants. You can survive and conquer or you can help the Gnolls protect their land. You can have magic but please nothing ridiculous. This is Semi-Worldbuild so please help me expand the lore. I would like for this to be a small series I do about the land of Fenard. Enjoy! CS Name: Age: Personality: Appearance: Rank: Equipment(Magic goes here): Bio(does not have to be long):