[center][img=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/2/20/Flag_of_Mexico_1917.png][/center] With the New Year arrived, it is time for us more than ever to appreciate what we have. In the past our nation and people were ridiculed, but in the time you have given me and our government, our nation’s name is now spoken with pride and respect. The yoke of the past has been swept away and at last Mexico is taking its rightful place on the world stage. Yet we must be vigilant, less we too fall like so many others. In Colombia the Civil War that has already claimed the lives of so many continues. We extend our sympathies to the people of that war stricken and offer Mexico as a neutral ground for diplomacy between both parties. Mexico stands ready to enter this century strong, modern and for the first time in decades, united! God is with us! God stands with Mexico! - President Porfirio Díaz