"Five hundred ducats, eh?" Heinrich hadn't even landed in King's Stone and already the money was coming in. This would be a prosperous place for him indeed. "Sounds like a grand lark indeed. I'll play your game, Herr Captain." Heinrich smiled, though as always it didn't seem to touch his listless blue eyes. His mind was racing behind those eyes, though. He was sure the man had been about to say they were going after Forestlings. A dangerous proposition in the best of times, and it was hard to imagine no bloodshed occurring despite the captain's extravagant promises. Heinrich figured Gustav to be no coward, and probably good enough in a fight to be worth keeping around. But this nervous, clumsy seamstress seemed liable to faint at the first drawn steel. Not to mention this unknown fourth person- a completely unknown variable. Heinrich worried for this plan. But the pay was too good to pass up.