Alianor arched an eyebrow, watching Beckham curiously. [b]"He certainly is that,"[/b] she agreed with a shrug. The bandit leader was rather irritating. There were many reasons why she had enjoyed stabbing him in the leg. [b]"Yeah, he did."[/b] Not that she knew what that meant. She listening to what he said with interest, looking thoughtful. She could have chosen Kessah but quite frankly she also terrified Alianor after what she'd seen earlier. She would rather just avoid her so she could avoid getting on her bad side. She didn't want to be beaten into a pulp quite frankly. [b]"Didn't ask her because I find her terrifying to,"[/b] she admitted quietly. She was beginning to see why Ronan had told her to ask Beckham though. She wasn't exactly tall and she wasn't exactly strong, so she'd certainly need some kind of teaching that was out with brute force and power and all of that. The way of control sounded appealing, as well. She'd always controlled her emotions where possible. Controlling her body would be quite nice. [b]"Certainly sounds like it could help." "I think I've chosen someone, just don't know their name or where they are,"[/b] she frowned, folded arms moving slightly upwards in an almost self concious gesture. [b]"They're not any of those three. I don't like my chances there. And anyway I've already stabbed Ronan in the leg I think that's enough for dealing with whatever problems I have with him."[/b] She nodded. No, there was no way she could fight any of the three of them. [b]"How I would want to fight?"[/b] She looked confused for a moment, trying to think it through. How would she want to fight? She didn't really know. Avoiding injury as much as possible? Not fight at all. That would certainly be nice. [b]"Right, I'll do that. Although I can tell you straight away I'm starting from... probably the beginning. I know a small amount of self defence, nothing very useful, and I only learned that because... someone insisted on it."[/b] With a dark frown she began to head towards the training ground hesitantly, movements stiff as she tried to work out what to do. Upon arriving she stood in front of one of the dummies and took a few deep breaths. Right. How she'd want to fight someone. Remember, remember! It took her a few moments to slide into a more stable stance, feet slightly further apart and knees bent with her hands out in front of her. It was difficult to bring back to mind any of the few lessons she'd had with her husband, which she'd only done so he would have some peace of mind. Like she had learnt archery. She hadn't really paid attention or trying. Exhaling a breath she ducked down, almost like practising dodging a blow. She shuffled to one side, then the other, moving around the mannequin a few times. She kept her movements as fluid as possible, just moving about quickly and occasionally moving in to deliver a sharp blow to the dummy. This had next to no power behind it, but it was quick. It hadn't taken much thinking to realise that speed was likely to be her advantage. However it didn't take long for her to begin to get out of breath, stopping to double over and try and regain her breath. If this was going to happen she was going to have to get fit. Brilliant.