[img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/p417x417/1450071_703187663101631_1962491151057659025_n.jpg?oh=76b33f76a61f067f5d7ddacf4d789b3f&oe=54C924E3&__gda__=1422695309_bfbee8948e588a3d649330676e53f2e3[/img] Name: Yaya Raishin Age: 25 Personality: Quiet, looks at her soldiers as her own children, has an inferiority because of her small chest Rank: Colonel? Equipment(Magic goes here): Two katanas called Kojiro and Musahi said to be the sharpest blades in the empire , a bow, her loyal horse Matsukase Bio: Yaya was born in a poor family of a village nearby the Capital, she decided to becom famous and get money for her family, she was pretty skilled with the sword so she ranked up quickly