"I don't know... I don't have any idea how all that love crap works," Takeshi replied, shrugging to himself. Shu made a fair point, at least he thought so, but obviously Choi and Yumi felt differently. Maybe it was just because it was a new thing for them, they might get bored or something and not spend as much time together. The two brothers had seen first hand how lonesome Kai was a result of his brother's relationship, goodness knows Kai would be glad to have his twin back. Sighing to himself, Takeshi glanced back at Shu, smiling slightly as he again shrugged. "I don't think it matters a whole ton what we want right now. They want to be with each other, so we've gotta let them. Besides... I guess it's better they're happy than upset, right? If we asked them to break up so we could spend time with Yumi or something they'd probably get upset." And that would be just plain selfish, no matter how you sliced it. The only one person who was really losing out here was Kai, everyone else had another person to spend time with. That and Kabocha, who spent most of his time it seemed helping out on the ship or with his parents. They should try hanging out, if they could stomach one another, that was. It was a huge relief to be back at the ship, at last they could relax. The cargo inside the shuttle could wait for later, right now they had more important things to do. All three of them needed to get some kind of medical attention, preferably from the healing tanks, and without anyone knowing. After that their little team ought to be more than ready to head to the next planet, with any luck. Takeshi could certainly walk there, but whether Shu or T'charrl could as well remained to be seen. Especially T'charrl, he'd been awfully beaten up even before showing up to that fight, he had it the worst of the three of them. Opting to offer a helping hand, glad to see both his brother and friend managed to get up on their own accord. It would be slow moving, but they could definitely get to the healing rooms. Smiling tiredly the older Saiyan kept right behind the other two, ready to help either one if they needed it. Silently he was grateful they didn't, his own body hurt a bit and having to support someone else right now would be a real pain, literally. Miraculously they managed to reach one of the healing chambers undisturbed, and after disrobing they each took turns climbing inside one of the tanks, letting the machines patch them up. It didn't take long at all, and pretty soon they were all good as new. Still sore, but at least any serious wounds had been seen to. Departure from Shaharia had happened a few hours after the trio's return, everyone was more than ready to get a move on. The goods from Servas and his men were stored away in the cargo hold, tucked away with all the other excess supplies. Takeshi still wasn't overly fond with the outcome of their first expedition, it had basically been completely pointless. Though he supposed they had done some good, at the very least they should appreciate that fact. And, if nothing else, they'd gotten a bit stronger from it. Being beaten up like that was handy to Saiyans like them, and T'charrl probably got a little bit stronger himself too. Not much, the improvement was marginal at best, but they all had benefited in some way. Yeah, so the mission wasn't a complete bust. For the rebels kind of, but not so much for them. With any luck they'd fare better on Pagonia, those people were probably just itching to pick a bone with the Saiyans. They were strong too, certainly stronger than the Shaharians were. If they were to only get one of these aliens to agree to Korian's idea then the Narbu would be the group they'd want. Considering their fortune on Shaharia it was a safe bet that they might not be getting the warmest welcome on Pagonia. Granted they hadn't exactly done wrong by the Narbu, but they hadn't exactly helped them either. Worst case scenario they could try to use the whole saving them from the Saiyans card, but that hadn't only been them. Maybe they wouldn't have to play that, it would be nice just to have a simple yes or no and be on their way for a change. The chances of that happening were pretty slim, hence the preparation. With the time allowed to them due to traveling, everyone who might be going to the planet was getting themselves all set. For Takeshi, that meant finally enrolling in some swordplay lessons. Viral had agreed to help him with training after all, as he had Shu with his staff. Reasonably enough however their training would be separate, which made sense. A sword against a metal stick wasn't exactly going to work too well, plus the fighting styles were different. At least that's what he remembered Viral saying on the subject, or the gist of it anyways. As metal collided with metal Takeshi gritted his teeth, trying to push past Viral's block and get a strike in. They had been sparring for a little while now, and while he was slowly picking up things he was far from efficient with a blade. He was positive the Beastman was still taking it easy on him too, the guy was still using one arm to fight with. Watching as sparks shot off from the blades grinding against one another, Takeshi pulled his sword back, stepping away a bit with it held at the ready in both hands. So... This was a bit harder than he'd thought, but it was fun too. It was different than actually attacking people with the weapon like he'd done on Shaharia, that he hadn't been much a fan of. Doing this though, trading blows and practicing, this was fun. "Heh... You know... You could let me get in a sympathy hit? Make it seem like I'm improving," he joked, breathing deeply from the rigor of training. "How are you not tired yet?"