With everyone else busy with their little preparations for their next mission or simply slacking off if they didn’t need to go, there was some free time leftover and with Vegeta going off to get the ship prepared Viral had quite a bit of spare time. He didn’t want to stop training, he didn’t feel like he could afford to do such a thing while everybody else advanced because they had training partners or because they were Saiyans. He didn’t have the ability to get stronger after every battle, he had to work for his strength and that fact made him pretty angry at himself; however, there wasn’t much he could do about that and just had to take it as it came while hoping he was going to be able to keep up. It was such a pain, though. With Takeshi willing to train in swordplay it gave him something to do, but Takeshi was still new to this whole thing and his defiance had cost him some dignity during battle from what he was told. Being afraid of slicing into opponents was a stupid thing to have when your weapon was a sword; it might as well be a stick if that was the case. With there still being time before they got to Pagonia, now was a good chance to get in some lessons like he had reluctantly agreed. There was some desire to get Takeshi more acquainted with the blade, seeing it go to waste like that was pretty disgusting; however, he certainly seemed a lot more willing this time and was actually willing and ready to go in and try to get better at using it. There was still time to get the basic moves down, but Takeshi’s ability to do so was pretty limited as he seemed to struggle with completing simple moves. Viral was patient to a degree, but all this pretending to be terrible at it was getting on his nerves a little when he wanted to improve himself, not remain limited because his pupil wasn’t getting it. Keeping a strong hold of his block, Viral stared at Takeshi as he struggled once again to figure out how to get passed it. He shouldn’t have too much trouble getting passed a much shorter blade, but he seemingly managed to find some as he continued to make simple mistakes. Watching him carefully, he shifted his blade slightly with each strike up until Takeshi moved back again in preparation of yet another tactic. Watching him carefully he kept his blade steady, his other arm tight behind his back until Takeshi decided to speak again, his gaze narrowing slightly before he shook his head, “Hmm sure, let me just allow you to slice into my arm”, he spoke, moving his free hand around as his eyes moved to his blade, running his claw down it carefully as if checking for dents, “Do you get tired from walking? It is very similar. It’s natural for me to use my blade…besides, you can’t hit someone hoping they’ll get tired of you doing it only to let you strike them! That would be moronic…why? Are you wanting to quit already?”