Across right for a moment, and then left vehicle again. She took her storage cube and it absorbed the assault truck and went back into the hovercar . She went to the front where there was a slot that would fit for the cube.she out it in and a screen pulled up, she scrolled through it to where the armored assault truck. She pushed a button and the hovercar instantly camouflaged to look like the Chinese assault vehicle. She began typing on a keyboard on the screen and it pulled up an identification for the truck. The identification description read, 'Astung 117 - identification 203 - ownership Shell Carundy/Pono Sefias/Aldurat Gharia'. "It belonged to three Chinese soldiers that were planned for execution at sunset today for traitorism. They must've taken the truck and used it to escape." She says. "If we can find them, they might be useful allies."