Takeshi knew there was going to be a bit of an uphill battle learning the sword. After all, he was competing with a master swordsman, that in of itself was a daunting obstacle. Time and time again Viral had told him it wasn't a contest, they needed to take their time to properly learn the techniques of swordplay. Everything with Takeshi was a contest though in one way or another, it helped him to work harder. He didn't even bother trying to explain that to the Beastman though, figuring he was only talking to a brick wall if he did so. Instead they continued as they were, trading blows while he was trying to learn some basics of striking. For basics they were tricky, he'd admit that. Who would have thought so much went into swordplay? This was certainly a different experience, being so far behind someone else but trying to keep up with them. It was kind of infuriating too, he couldn't match up to Viral despite trying his damnedest. Even with the Beastman only using one arm he wasn't getting anywhere, it felt like he was slamming his blade into a stone repeatedly, it just wouldn't budge. After locking blades with Viral for a few seconds Takeshi finally relented, stepping back and sighing softly. He was going nowhere fast with this, perhaps a bit too impatient for these lessons. It was entertaining he supposed, as sparring often was for him, but when he was supposed to get something out of this it was going drearily slow. Taking a look at his own blade as Viral did he inspected it for any damage, his untrained eye not able to pick up any discrepancies. Making a face at Viral, Takeshi shook his head, pointing at the Beastman annoyed. "That's not what I meant! Sheesh, I just figured I'd have learned something by now, that's all. Instead all I'm doing is making myself look like an idiot." All it felt like he was doing was swinging his sword around and not getting anywhere, it was a bit off putting. Viral had a fair point about people getting tired, and it only served to further make him feel like a dolt. Asked then if he was getting tired Takeshi's face reddened in embarrassment, shaking his head quickly, "Of course not! It takes a lot more than this to tire me out! Just... Ugh, tell me what I'm doing wrong already. I can't get better if I don't know what I'm supposed to do. I don't get what you mean by it should feel natural, that doesn't make any sense to me." Takeshi wasn't the only person being trained at the moment on the ship; Shu was gradually working on controlling his emotions. That was the intent at least, the instruction had only just begun and they hadn't exactly done much yet. Yumi still wasn't very clear as to why she had been asked to do this, but Vegeta had said she was the best person for the job. She'd do it, she was happy to help Shu if need be, she just wasn't quite sure how she'd go about it. Currently the pair were sitting around in the library, seeing as it was one of the more quiet places in the ship. That, and Yumi sort of figured she'd cheat and see if she could find some books on how to help Shu out. Evidently the Saiyans didn't keep a whole lot on emotional counseling, not from what she'd checked anyways. "Alright Shu, I guess we'll start by you telling me how you feel when you change," Yumi began, smiling politely. Adjusting herself in the cushioned chair she folded one leg over the other, placing her hands in her lap, trying to come across as all professional. "So, um... Yeah, let's start there! You must notice something when you're changing, some kind of emotions. What are they? Angry? Sad?"