[quote=StephenRouse] Silent Resonance: Sounds good to me! She won't affect a person, but she can affect the area around a person. I'll make a note of it, and edit your CS into the OP soon.Empath: Whatever works for you. I've been busy for awhile myself, I totally understand. Just try and get it done later tonight or sometime tomorrow(:Arlear: Glad to see you're still around! The IC will be up in not [i]too[/] long.Phobos: Yeah, there's still room for you! Just submit your CS here or via PM, and I'll look over it.I'm working on the IC now. It'll be up before too long. I'll be editing some notes into the OP before it is posted, so look at those before posting please! [/quote] Great! I'll post my CS the quickest I can!:D