Spoiling the night wasn't on Teddy's list of things to do, and if leaving meant avoiding a fight that was long overdue between himself and Victoire, then it was simply easier to walk away. The past shouldn't have been an issue for him, and their relationship had been over for quite some time anyway, Teddy knew that he had been foolish to think that Victoire would be anything but awkward with him considering the way in which they parted. Deep in his heart, Teddy knew that he should not have been cross with her, and letting it go was the logical thing to do—just stay away, but it was difficult when she was right there and he had so many things to say, so many questions to ask. The last thing Teddy expected was for the blonde girl to come after him, or even reach out to physically touch him. His stride paused and he turned back to her, his eyebrows raised expectantly. Suddenly, she was that same girl he had once known back at Hogwarts, anxious and demure, the type that never wanted to leave a fight with no resolution. Briefly, he wondered where that Victoire had been when they had been shouting at each other, when they had said things they could never take back. For the next several minutes, Teddy planned to remain neutral, just wanting to get through this conversation so that he could leave, and she could have her family back. It hadn't been right for him to think that he belonged there, and part of him wondered if he was the reason that Victoire hadn't been around in such a long time. On top of that, he thought that maybe she and the rest of the family resented him for driving her away. It was frightening to consider that he had been in the wrong this entire time. Adding to the surprise was Victoire's apology. It was a bittersweet thing to hear—she was sorry for being insensitive, but she wasn't sorry for anything else. Again, Teddy didn't know what he had been expecting, or why he was still standing there, but he had always tried to be polite. When she let go of his wrist, he felt the same sense of loss that he had moments before when they had finished their dance. That same hollow feeling tamped down his anger, and Teddy was left feeling deflated. Why was it so hard to show her how upset he was? “It's...fine. Don't worry about it, okay?” His face was a mask, hiding his emotions as he looked down at her, and then away. It was hard to keep his attention on Victoire for too long. “I shouldn't expect you to be excited about it, especially with the nonsense Rita always writes,” he added with a curt laugh. He could still see into the opening of the tent, and there were a few Weasley's gathered around and peering back out at them. It was awkward and strange that people were curious about what would happen, but Teddy couldn't stop them from being curious. He turned back to Victoire, managing a small smile. “I should get going,” he mentioned, “it's been a long day.” It hadn't, actually, and Teddy still had a lot left in him, but running was a much easier option.