"It's useless, it's all useless..." Takeshi let out an irritated sigh as his hand went to the back of his head and looked up at the ceiling until the two he'd been talking to exited the room. He then shook his head before running his fingers through his hair in an exasperated manner, eyes shut tightly and voice sounding something like a growl. "This is really starting to piss me off. There's plenty of reason for that kid with the katana to be the culprit, but I was only saying that to get them to talk..." He walked over to the bed and stared down at the shiny, crimson liquid. The room was filled with the odor of human blood. "They just told me their story and left, I never even got a chance to ask a single question I had planned. Hell, I didn't even get to press them on their story either." He stared at the trail of blood leading to the window as well as the prints on said window. The smell wasn't as strong near the window, probably due to the outside air. "Don't they realize I'm the good guy here? If I can get as much info as possible, we can catch the culprit sooner. That way fewer people will get hurt and we won't run the risk of anyone dying." He leaned out the window, expecting to see blood in more places. However, he did not. And this was strange. "...What's this? First of all, why would this obviously injured and profusely bleeding person flee the scene, and second, how would they do so without leaving any trail? Unless...Unless it's the culprit's blood." Takeshi sat down in a chair beside the table where he'd set his coffee before the whole debacle. "If it's the culprit's blood, that means she could have been conscious enough to fight back, maybe stab them with something. It'd only make sense then that they'd bleed. Perhaps then they would have carried her away somehow, doesn't matter how, she wouldn't have been bleeding because the nurse's would have obviously bandaged her up. If he was the one bleeding, it'd be simple to find a way to make it such that it did not track out of the room once he left, just staunching the flow somehow and wiping off his hand would be enough. Simple. It's just a theory, but...It makes sense." The young man stood up and started out of the nurse's office, continuing to murmur to himself. "If that's the case, then it would be impossible for Katana-Dude or...What was her name? Spatula? Anyway, if that's the case, neither of them could be the culprit. Not that they were prime suspects anyway, Katana-Dude is just asking to be arrested. I mean honestly, a katana on school premises? Even if he really does have the paperwork, which I doubt, there's no way he's allowed to bring a weapon to school." Takeshi sighed. "Focus, Maetakeshi, the legality of that kid's trinket doesn't matter right now. What matters is finding this culprit...The teachers can deal without me for a day. This is plenty excuse for an excused absence. School-related, club-related, and related to the well-being of everyone on this campus." Instead of going to his first class of the day, Takeshi instead decided to do some investigating. Such was his resolve.