Despite it probably being the truth Takeshi still looked indignant, giving Viral an annoyed look. "I... I don't know if I looked stupid, I didn't watch myself!" T'charrl and Shu hadn't said a word on his swordplay during the fight, probably for the exact reason that people normally didn't critique him. Sometimes he took it well, but more often than not Takeshi became defensive and bothered by it. Sighing in an attempt to settle himself down, the Saiyan looked over at his friend again, giving him a confused look. "My own style...? What do you mean by that...?" That didn't make a whole ton of sense either, not until Viral elaborated. Eh, sure he'd thought about it, but it wasn't so easy. He barely knew how to wield the sword to begin with, let alone make his own style. That was exactly why he was mimicking other people, it was all he knew right now. "Become one with my blade... Yeah, you keep saying that. It's not as easy as you make it sound, you know. And it's not because I'm not giving it a shot, I'm trying like hell to figure this out." Being called predictable ruffled Takeshi's feathers a bit, he hated being underestimated. He knew he was just learning, but damn it Viral didn't have to put him down like that. Gritting his teeth the Saiyan readied his own sword again, meeting the Beastman's gaze as he smiled tightly. "I'll prove you wrong, I don't care how long it takes. I can get this down, just you watch." So he had to try and use his own style, that was it right? Hm... So maybe if he tried something new he could get through to Viral, show him he wasn't just some lost cause. Shuffling his feet slowly Takeshi began to move to the right, his eyes never leaving Viral's. When he was roughly to the direct left of his friend he moved in, his sword held up like he was going for a high cut. With it raised up he quickly released the handle, letting it drop before snatching it up again. What had started as a high slice was now a horizontal cut, with him holding the sword now backwards so the blade stuck out to the side. He'd like to see Viral block that so easily. Yumi felt so awkward questioning Shu like this. Vegeta had given her explicit instructions to ask about feelings, to find out what went through his mind when he changed. Sure, that might work for a trained professional, though she was anything but. Nonetheless she was doing her utmost to look the part, stiffly sitting in a proper position and asking as formally as she could. Shu might notice her eyebrow twitching in irritation, not from him of course, but due to this absurd layout they were following. It felt so impersonal, no way could it work. Shu didn't look fond of it either, being much more meek with her than he normally was. "Angry and sad...? Well... Maybe it's when you're really angry, or really sad, that makes you change?" That was the pattern she had noticed in their time together at least. Often times when Shu felt threatened, or someone close to him was hurt he would transform. It wasn't completely unlike Takeshi, only he didn't have the means to change anymore. Both brothers could get righteously angry then, and the outcomes for both were pretty unsettling. "This whole thing is so stupid..." Yumi mumbled, sighing under her breath. Realizing she might offend Shu she looked back at him, smiling worriedly as she put her hands up, "Not what we're doing, just... The way we're doing it. Here, hang on a second." They were friends darn it, not some therapist and client. If they had to get a bit closer to figure this out then fine, they'd do it. Objectivity, or whatever the hell Vegeta had called it, that could go out the window. Lifting up her own chair she carried it across, setting it down beside Shu's. Sitting down again she smiled at him sweetly this time, placing a hand on his head and giving his hair a stroke. "We can figure this out Shu, and I'll help you do it. Don't be so nervous, it's only me," Yumi said, moving her hand and lightly tapping the young boy's nose playfully. "What does it feel like? When you change that is, do you know what's going on?"