[center][u][i]House Benedikt[/i][/u][/center] [center][img=http://i973.photobucket.com/albums/ae218/AbsolutCharlie/RP%20and%20Historical/JoinTheRealm_sigil_zpsb60878fc.png][/center] [b]Head of House:[/b] Roman Benedikt [b]House Specialty:[/b] House Benedikt has long held the title for the most pious of the houses in Elyden. The house can attribute its religious fervor to the strong faith of its founder, Ladislav Benedikt. It boasts some of the most impressive temple-fortresses in the kingdom; each garrisoned by knightly orderlies. Worship of Kammeth and the Phoenix Queen Valarien is prevalent throughout Karviná, and it is almost unheard of to find a nonbeliever in its cities. Because of its religious piety, House Benedikt enjoys amicable relations with the Church and produces more members of the ministry and militant orderlies than other Houses. [b]House Ancestral Weapon:[/b] House Benedikt favors the mace in the tradition of Ladislav Benedikt, who’s mace was gifted to him by Kammeth during the Wyrm Wars. The Makitherin weapon Shadowbreaker is regarded as a relic and sits on display in House Benedikt’s throne room. The head of the mace is rumored to have burned with a divine flame in Ladislav’s hand, from which a single strike could fell a wyrm. One such tale recounts Ladislav using Shadowbreaker to hurl torrents of flame down from the skies onto a wyrm herd. [b]Important members:[/b] Roman Benedikt – Head of House, 48 Dragica Benedikt – Wife of Roman, 36 Edvard Benedikt – Son, 26 (Betrothed to Alysara Paragon) Anastázie Benedikt – Daughter, 23 Olívia Benedikt – Daughter, 21 [b]Nation/Realms Name:[/b] Karviná [b]House Motto:[/b] “Stalwart to the Sun” [b]Region/color on map:[/b] [img= http://i973.photobucket.com/albums/ae218/AbsolutCharlie/RP%20and%20Historical/HouseBenediktCities_zps18bf7811.jpg] [b]Race name:[/b] Karváci [b]Racial appearance:[/b] Karváci aren’t exceptionally different from the rest of their Northern-Elyden counterparts – they are light in skin tone, though possess a greater affinity for colorful eyes than their neighbors in the Weald and the Greenwood. Blonde and brown hair is the norm, with red being a rarer sight. [b]Racial traits:[/b] [b]Capital:[/b] Prostějov is Karviná’s most formidable temple-fortress, set on a shallow hill and surrounded by tall ramparts. The imposing spires of Prostějov’s towers pierce the sky, topped with the sun-sigil of Kammeth. To the devout, it is the second most holy of places in Elyden, surpassed only by Skyhaven itself. Prostějov is believed to be built on the site of Valarien’s hamlet, where she escaped the fire and became Kammeth’s Chosen. The interior of Prostějov is more elaborate than the typical temple-fortress; meshing martial functionality with the aesthetic grandeur of Valarien’s domains. It is from this temple-fortress Roman Benedikt presides over Karviná and where the relic mace Shadowbreaker rests. [b]Capital Population:[/b] [b]Other Major Settlements:[/b] -Jihlava -Lipany -Krychnov -Korczyn [b]Population:[/b] 4,126,500 [b]Culture:[/b] Karviná’s culture has largely been influenced by House Benedikt’s promotion of the Kamthein faith and the tenets it outlines for its followers. Its denizens are characterized by strong national unity, a desire to help others and a tendency to honor their debts. Visitors commonly remark on the friendly, inviting attitude of its people, so long as said guests are also adherent of the Kamthein faith. Reflecting on Kammeth’s war aspect, many within Karviná see martial proficiency and participation in war as among the noblest endeavors one can take. House Benedikt views the Kamthein faith as intrinsic to the tradition and history of Elyden. Because of the part the gods played in the reunification of the kingdom, members of House Benedikt cannot fathom why other houses would choose others as their patron deity. Indeed, to hold foreign gods in higher significance is akin to spitting on everything that they have worked so hard to build. This has been cause for tensions with other houses in the past, and undoubtedly continues to be a hindrance to cooperation with more exotic houses. Karviná is a popular site for pilgrimages, as many folk throughout the continent undertake visits to Prostějov to pay respects to the Phoenix Queen, Valarien. This makes up a considerable sum of House Benedikt's income, aside from agriculture and trade. Major agriculture products include wheat, rye, oats, corn, barley, potatoes, sugar beets, hops, fruit, pigs, cattle, and poultry. Popular export goods are textiles, ceramics, glass, religious paraphernalia and metals. [b]Type of Government:[/b] WIP [b]Influence and relations:[/b] [hider=House Anselm]The Imperials of the Weald and Karviná are on friendly terms, having a shared history and culture. The Eldfolk, on the other hand, are for the most part, viewed with suspicion. House Benedikt is content to leave them be and follow the Anselms' example, but should they rise up and get out of hand, House Benedikt has every right to aid their allies in the Weald.[/hider] [hider=House Conrad]Relations between Conrad and Benedikt have ranged from strained to outright hostile on several occasions. House Benedikt scorns the Conrads for their patronizing of their so-called ‘The Sea God’ and ‘Grave Master.’ Several former heads of House Benedikt have even failed to recognize the Conrads as a true house of Elyden for this reason. Rumors of legal necromancy has only fed fuel to the fire, earning the Benedikts’ animosity for as long as it is practiced on House Conrad lands.[/hider] [hider=House Paragon]House Paragon is the Benedikts’ strongest ally, sharing a common history originating in Valarien’s conquest of Elyden. The brother houses are strong in faith, and as the Paragons carry on the lineage of the Phoenix Queen, the Benedikts are staunch supporters of their rule. Their alliance is cemented even further by the betrothal of Edvard to Alysara.[/hider] [hider=House Sovanid]House Sovanid has the respect of the Benedikts, as it is the warden of important cultural and historical tomes. As the bridge between east and west Elyden, House Sovanid is in a strategically important location. Pilgrims from the east commonly travel through Sovanid borders, which is beneficial for both houses. It is also wise to be on good terms with the house who manages your money.[/hider] ((More to come)) [b]Military:[/b] 20,632 The Druzhinas of Karviná have traditionally been independent standing armies led by its princes, who today govern distinct administrative regions from their fortress-monasteries. These Druzhinas could number as large as several hundred, or as few as 25 retainers and soldiers. Needless to say, they would be sufficient for local defense and the enforcement of law in princely regions, but they would not be sufficient for a major campaign. Prior to Valarien’s Conquest of Elyden, the Karváci princes led their Druzhinas semi-independently, never as a unified army with a central leadership. On the upside, these were highly mobile forces, consisting of mounted men bound to their prince by oaths of loyalty. They were capable of maneuvering quickly and covering large distances in short spans of time. They were small, well-trained and well-equipped private armies. Further development of Karviná’s military was influenced to a large degree by the forays of the Druzhinas during Valarien’s Conquest of Elyden. Ladislav Benedikt was able to befriend and bind the Karváci princes to his authority, a precursor to the unified standing army raised for campaign. The power of cavalry was exploited by the Druzhinas when the conquest reached the far east of Elyden. Fighting on the steppes and plains was dominated by mounted soldiers, and many influences were borrowed from the Khitani, including the use of mounted archers. However, the forests of northern and central Elyden favored less-cumbersome infantry, and the Druzhinas on their own were ill-prepared to lay siege to settlements. Infantry was soon realized as a necessity, as parts of eastern and southern Karviná are thick with rivers and marshes, with forests towards its border with the Weald. Commoners were recruited to fill this role, pulled from the ranks of mercantile and peasant classes. Urban militias began to be commonplace in cities and fortresses, as princes realized their significance. Eventually, militias saw combat alongside mounted Druzhinas, and infantry contingents would be incorporated into these armies. Post-Conquest, Ladislav had reformed the Karváci armies into a singular force, capable of mustering in times of war. The establishment of House Benedikt solidified his rule over Karviná, with his most trusted princes governing fiefdoms based on the old system of administrative territories. Each prince was oath-bound to lend his Druzhina to him when a call for campaign was issued. Owing to its Kamthein tradition, Karváci armies are commonly accompanied by bands of priests, who regularly preach to the soldiery and maintain spiritual welfare among the ranks. [hider=Gallery][img= http://i973.photobucket.com/albums/ae218/AbsolutCharlie/RP%20and%20Historical/MuscoviteFieldArmies15thCE_zpsb15f211c.png] Tall, pointed helmets are characteristic of Karváci cavalry, a preference of House Benedikt’s armies which can be easily-identifiable. Trademark weapons of cavalry include the spear and javelin, supplemented by sabers and bows. Maces are occasionally wielded by men honoring the memory of Ladislav and his role in the Wyrm Wars. Horse armor is usually reserved for high-ranking warriors or princes, although some wealthy lords maintain whole contingents of heavily-armored cavalry. Armor for mounted and foot soldiers consists of mail, with plates being affixed to the links, or being of lamellar construction. Shields are plated with steel segments. Heavy spearmen make up a bulk of Karváci infantry, though many have a preference for axes and long bardiches. Crossbows are considered important assets to militias and footsoldiers. Eastern Karváci soldiers are often seen with equipment that is more similar to that of Tilrinic design, with an emphasis on full plate. [img=http://i973.photobucket.com/albums/ae218/AbsolutCharlie/RP%20and%20Historical/WRussia_Lithuania_15CE_zpsc7e656a2.png][/hider] [b]Landscape:[/b] [b]Wildlife:[/b] [b]History:[/b] House Benedikt has a long and proud history, having played a pivotal role in the unification of Elyden. Prior to her ascendance, the tribes that would become House Benedikt occupied only a small region in the south of modern-day Karviná. Led to this region by Ladislav Benedikt following the Wyrm Wars, the tribes eked out a largely solitary existence, consolidating their strength to make up for lost manpower fighting the wyrms. United in faith by Ladislav, they slowly expanded towards the western coastline, setting the stage for Karviná as it is known today. Around the same time, rumors of a “Saint Valarien” were reaching the ears of Ladislav’s followers. Motivated by a zealous curiosity, Ladislav led an entourage of trusted men southwards, to where this saint was said to have ascended. House Benedikt’s chroniclers write that Valarien met Ladislav and his men near the present-day city of Lipany. She told them her visions of a unified Elyden, held together by the might of Kammeth and the will of the faithful. It is rumored that a flaming halo radiated from Valarien’s head, and at this sign, Ladislav pledged his service to her on bent knees. With Ladislav’s army forming the core of Valarien’s followers, the host moved east, gathering followers under the other Wyrmslayers. Some joined willingly; others were beaten into submission by the pious host, and offered their sword in defeat. Farther and farther Valarien’s armies marched, and larger they grew with each passing year. Within six years of warring, each kingdom had either joined or been subjugated by Valarien. The 'Oath of Springs Tide' bound them together by Kammeth’s power, and the Phoenix Throne was forged, cementing Valarien’s rule over Elyden. At the end of the conquest, Ladislav took his men back to their homes, establishing the kingdom of Karviná and formally creating House Benedikt. Others flocked to Valarien’s side, setting the foundation for House Paragon. Both of these houses have consolidated their power in Elyden together, and remain brothers to present-day. [b]Strengths:[/b] -Pious: House Benedikt's faith has served as its strongest asset, from its participation in Valarien's conquest to its relationship with the Church. It has endured hardship and come out stronger because of it, unwavering in the Kamthein faith. The morale of its people are seldom shaken. -Founding Father: Thanks to Ladislav's loyalty to Valarien, House Benedikt's role in the unification of Elyden is a source of pride for the people of Karviná. This makes it one of the most historically significant houses and lends it a great deal of power in the Royal Court. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] -Intolerant: Owing to the personal experiences of its forbearers, House Benedikt harbors a grudge towards houses that do not share its faith; particularly those in the far east. Elyden was founded on principles laid down by Valarien, the Phoenix Queen and Kammeth, who by all rights, is the legitimate patron of the kingdoms. House Benedikt cannot stand seeing kingdoms it has helped unite turn to lesser faiths. -Dry Feet: House Benedikt has never needed a navy, and due to its location, does not rely on the water for trade. While Karviná sees regular visitations by pilgrims and traders, members of its populace venture outside its borders much less frequently. It has no way of holding off an invading fleet, save for repulsing its men as they land.